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  1. 4

    From Reyaad Khan to Abu Dujana al Hindi the Jihadi

    As a Pakistani Pakistani, we are the ones affected the most by this bad publicity. I'm visiting family in UK and I really hope no one I meet has read the daily mail.
  2. 4

    The Dragon's Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa

    one long *** introduction
  3. 4

    Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant: “We Will Conquer Istanbul”

    "With monica lewinsky on his nut sack"?
  4. 4

    Iraq crisis: As the Sunni terror spreads, its fighters look for wives

    Why does ISIL not attack Israel? It's very close is it not? If they are actually religious extremist than they should prove it that way^
  5. 4

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Does anyone have pictures of MRAPs if any were used? Why the normal 4x4s?
  6. 4

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Hahaha sorry sorry, left I mean left. Btw do we use different variants of cobra from usa? How many variants are there?
  7. 4

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    What's that fat one on the right called? We all know the cobra but that looks like an old transport...
  8. 4

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Guys let's all pray for the safety of our men, putting their lives on the line for the nation. Remember these are sons, brothers, fathers and friends and above all human beings. Each life is worth more than anything in the world. I hope as many terrorists get sent to hell with minimum human...
  9. 4

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Guys let's all pitch in money for a ticket to safely evacuate a certain member Pack-Wan from the dangerous area :o
  10. 4

    Who’s Killing Pakistan’s Shia and Why?

    No trust me there are many shia who pray 5, knew a few in school and one over the internet who claimed to pray 5 times. One of them even prayed without the shia stone thing.
  11. 4

    Important TTP commander killed

    Shintoist, converted from Wiccanism.
  12. 4

    Who’s Killing Pakistan’s Shia and Why?

    Which of these pray 5 and which 3 times a day?
  13. 4

    Solving Pakistan Navy's Ship Problem

    I know most of the old members, I've been here for 5 years I'd guess. Changed accounts a few times. Don't like the new forum, prefer vbulletin. That's all.
  14. 4

    Sindhis; Victims of feudal politics of PPP & their cronies !

    "quran tutor online" mashallah qari sahab, aur kuch?
  15. 4

    Sayyids in The Indian Sub-Continent

    But do I get swag points? 8-) And tbh I doubt all syeds, even my own grandparents. Anyways, these things are what we all must do, to me that's a fard to every Pakistani.
  16. 4

    Sayyids in The Indian Sub-Continent

    My grandmom was syed, am I cool now? (I have a few syed second cousins too from her brothers) Can I fit in with you popular kids please?
  17. 4

    Solving Pakistan Navy's Ship Problem

    Well the majority of people here are less than thirty I'd guess. Lot of preteens around as well. Of course, I wouldn't talk that way to my elders. My apologies if a mistake has been made.
  18. 4

    PAF Future Procurement Options

    Wait what you're saying is PAF has the money in their hands from before and are just waiting for the right time to start spending? Or by hold do you mean they havent actually recieved the funds
  19. 4

    PAF Future Procurement Options

    We have everything except money, what's the point of discussing more?
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