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  1. J

    Should PN go for,Chinese Type 056 Corvettes ?

    should we first focus on protecting what we have and gradually replacing the old stuff instead of parking on other ports. i can see future govt spending more and more money on air force and navy instead of army navy will get it fare share but as i have heard it is most corrupt and inefficient of...
  2. J

    US aggression on Salala: First Media Report Comes Out.

    if attacked next time how Pakistan army post in salala will defend its self he did not ask that question can some body on this forum answer that orr seen any report in the past please share
  3. J

    The Struggle for Self-Reliance in the PAF

    can some body stop this guy childish posts people must have serious discussion
  4. J

    The Attack on Pakistan's Erieye

    Media and specially some writer in english press would not spare a single minute to criticize air force if they lied and u cant keep it under the carpet many of the writer served in armed forces they under stand about awacs and military stuff so i will take what was reported at that time and...
  5. J

    The Attack on Pakistan's Erieye

    army guy told me that two aircraft was destroyed one was not awacs he works in GHQ
  6. J

    Pakistan's Nuclear Submarine Development | News and Discussions

    Its Feb 2012 news wake up buddy any credible news from navel sources in November or oct and ur type 54 class frigates have not arrived yet china suppose to lend us ?
  7. J

    Pakistan's Nuclear Submarine Development | News and Discussions

    some time I lough at people over all knowledge on this forum its pathetic specially azad pakistan the news is 8 month old when senate election were going on why people bringing old news and posting them again and again look at the news tape its says imran khan in swabi khan went their in march...
  8. J

    PNS Azmat Class - Fast Attack Missile Craft | Updates & Discussions.

    I think its PNS dasht not dahsat can some body confirm with navy guys dahshat does not make any sense
  9. J

    Pakistan Navy will get 4 more F-22Ps

    other then VLS missiles I cant see any different between type 54 and f22p . if Pakistan is going for bigger ships must consider ship with land attack cruise missile and VLS orr trade of between two. If they can acquire submarine with cruise missile launch then onl VLS will suffice. Submarine...
  10. J

    Friend and foe problem with F 16

    Report: Israel no longer some body with credible knowledge explain as far i understand pakistan F16 are useless against US and NATO planes as all of them have access to the software if turkey build it know Pakistan ka Allah hi hafiz :hitwall:
  11. J

    JF-17A/B 's cockpit (pictures)

    thats what some people on this forum are saying Pakistan should go for chinese and work with them to improve avionics instead of going for westren avionics
  12. J

    14 More F16 for PAF (Approved by US)

    http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/news/pakistan/03-pakistan-plans-to-buy-14-more-f-16-jets-from-us-ss-13 14 new might get cheaper
  13. J

    PAF Exercise High Mark - 2010

    IS it possible for Paf to invite Chinese MKK and J11 next year to really test how effective they are against Chinese MKK and J11 that will give both Air forces a chance to judge their pilots and fighter jets help full for china because Taiwan have f16 and for pakistan as india have Russian fighters
  14. J

    Pakistan might be considering opting for 18 more F16 Block C/D

    u sounds like that we are getting them all free ? any country can buy them if they have money why u r u excited
  15. J

    U.S. to Offer Smart-Bomb Kits, Drones to Pakistan

    i dont belive you i think that he just boost it up by saying 18 new f 16 they are same blk 52 if u have any credible source then a great news:pakistan::usflag:
  16. J

    Pakistan might be considering opting for 18 more F16 Block C/D

    they are your enemy so they have to create fuss by your post it seems you start taking indian seriously we will do what we need to do If we had money we would have ordered 36 or 72 totally agree with iceman and what make you soo sure that this time around american will not stop sales when they...
  17. J

    Pakistan might be considering opting for 18 more F16 Block C/D

    we dont learn from past mistakes people obsessed with westren tech will risk out country defence once again as they did in eighties we need a reliable source that is only china at the movement. the logic of tried and tested also goes for JF 17 FC 20 is pakistan future along with other chinese...
  18. J

    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    If tension with india increases and Pakistan face 26/11 like situation again paf will go for J10A and i hope they will be delivered on short notice on the other hand PAF wants FC 20 and will get them after Chinese tests and inductions
  19. J

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

    not that simple we have huge gold reserve in Baluchistan cant sell them as people are unhappy. Sindh and people of thar have first right as baluchi have on gwader first sell some coal to give uplift to the area build energy houses that will build industry creates jobs then sell your increased...
  20. J

    Photos of Pakistani Prisoners of 1971 war?

    if Alive will be in batter condition you have seen that singh guy released last year he was healthy and fit from your side we received at lease 3 to 4 dead body and some prisoner who lost there seances in a year
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