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  1. G

    West responsible for extremism: Musharraf

    The Arabs were responsible for most of early astronomy and mathematics. Some of their names are in daily use such as algebra and algorithm. Another is alcohol. Since those early days what has happened since? Please name one invention that is of benefit to mankind. Please name one discovery...
  2. G

    West responsible for extremism: Musharraf

    I asked you before, but you couldn't answer me. Name ONE discovery made by your faith. Name ONE invention of benefit to the world that your faith is responsible for. Just one. I feel sorry for those Pakistanis who are having to endure the continuous bombardment of your foolish propaganda. No...
  3. G

    West responsible for extremism: Musharraf

    I requested your solution. You have not given it. The UN isn't doing the job it was set up to do. But being raped day-in day-out by westerners? Utter bilge. The third world with their primitive views on everything and their inherent mistrust of strangers not only cause the problems but prevent...
  4. G

    West responsible for extremism: Musharraf

    OK, you hate and mistrust the USA, and probably Europe too. You have no time for the UN. Fine. You can think and say what you like. You can only identify with the Islamic Ummah. Why not? But now tell me how you plan to progress in the world if you restrict all the other countries and...
  5. G

    Hidden truth

    The official explanation makes no sense. There was internet debate about it as soon as the day it happened. Will we ever know the truth?
  6. G

    Pope's comments on Islam

    Ha ha. Very witty! I will send your comment around my circle of friends as I'm sure they will enjoy the irony. Well done!
  7. G

    Pakistan Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    All good stuff Neo, and most interesting, but may I give a word of caution? Please do not get over-reliant on the undoubted short term benefits of agro-chemicals to boost crop yield, as there could be long term problems. One way round this is to add more agro-chemicals in future years, but this...
  8. G

    Clooney urges U.N. action in Darfur

    The west is by far the greatest provider of aid to Africa and elsewhere.Or are you going to suggest others? I would be interested to learn. The ones who profit are usually not the ones needing help, but corrupt politicians, warlords, religious 'leaders' and other criminal meddlers. Of course...
  9. G

    Clooney urges U.N. action in Darfur

    Thank you Blain2 for your reasoned reply. You are of course quite right. The conflict is a complex issue, and the media doesn't always get all the pertinent facts. As ever, we know only what we are told. If you remember my concern during the Lebanon war was the safety of Lebanese civilians. I...
  10. G

    Clooney urges U.N. action in Darfur

    Why should you call him a clown? He is showing concern and humanity where both are needed. Perhaps we need more concerned clowns. These people are the survivors. Over 200,000 peaceloving rural people were killed, a huge number that qualifies for the word genocide. You should be disgusted with...
  11. G

    Pilots Notes and Flight Manuals

    I am hoping to buy Pilots Notes/Flight Manuals of Pakistani military aircraft, or exchange my duplicate copies for any which may be offered. Surely there are historians and collectors on the forum, particularly pilots other than myself? Failing that, I would greatly appreciate addresses of...
  12. G

    British Terrorism in Iraq

    I would very much like to meet the author, Dr Elias Akleh face to face to accuse him of troublemaking and barefaced lying to inflame the readership of whatever paper was stupid enough to publish such unmitigated rubbish. I would challenge him on every point, and demand proof. Presumably he was...
  13. G

    Who was behind the fall of the OTTOMAN Empire?

    Civilizations rise and fall. The Chinese, the Egyptian, the Greek, the Roman and the mysterious empires of South America were once all great and accomplished. All faded away into history. Look at the great religions that have passed into history, their gods, priests and worshippers all but...
  14. G

    Pakistan Presents a Potential Nuclear Nightmare for U.S.

    You are obviously the self-appointed speaker for the entire Islamic world then, and your hobbies are collecting chips to put on your shoulders and finding ENEMIES (real or imagined), right? You make many posts from a variety of sources provided primarily that a )they are boringly long and...
  15. G

    Post from "fall of Ottoman thread"

    Not so, young Sir! I laid my cards on the table for all to see shortly after joining this forum. I can not subscribe to any religion. I have not appointed Salim to act as my spokesman, nor do I imagine anyone else has either. I do enjoy reading his posts but I also enjoy reading the posts from...
  16. G

    The Supersonic Shape-Shifting Bomber

    I agree with you entirely on this last paragraph. Also, in the final analysis this was a peacetime trial, not war, but it was felt most useful for future policy studies. The usual caveats apply - you cannot endlessly extrapolate permutations.
  17. G

    Pakistan Presents a Potential Nuclear Nightmare for U.S.

    Control yourself man! You are acting like an hysterical neurotic. Try to grasp reality, it might even make sense to you. Just think occasionally without over emoting. NOT everyone in the rest of the world hates Islam, but if there are vast numbers of clones who have been brainwashed in the same...
  18. G

    The Supersonic Shape-Shifting Bomber

    Pure speculation? Possibly, it is only my opinion, as as I am long retired from the service I do not claim to be in the 'information loop' any more. I am convinced that the days of the manned bomber are coming to an end. The USAF will be using B-52s long after their original designers have all...
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