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  1. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    The Uyghur issue

    Lol We have been taking care of Turks centuries ago during Tang Empire while Han fight eastern Turkish front, the Uighurs fought the western turkish front (irony isn't it :sarcastic:) and finally chased them our of Mongolia step plain, we don't have any more problem with Turks beside the fake...
  2. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    The Uyghur issue

    it's time to take a break and enjoy some Uighur dance :D since this thread is related to them.
  3. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    The Uyghur issue

    In one word, you Anatolians are jokes, want to defend Uighur's cause when yourself are still doubtfull to be considered as Turks, better to take care of your own Kurdish blood brothers and mind other's business.
  4. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    The Uyghur issue

    What you're trying to bullsh1t at? prio the Turkish invasion and annexation of this land, Anatolia belong to Bizantine empire..are you dumb fck trying to twist the history?
  5. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    The Uyghur issue

    We don't have problem for been invaded, we have record every single detail of what Invaders did to us, we accepted as lesson and not shamefully sweep under the carpet as these Anatolians, if we go by their inferiority complexe we should have call ourself once Mongol, then Manchus or after...
  6. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    The Uyghur issue

    there is nothing wrong with this thread, at least you Anaolian learn something for yourself...and by the way is there is movie showing how Turk invade Anatolia and bring these native people...I would like to learn more
  7. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    The Uyghur issue

    Lol we Chinese get used with your Anatolian's claim in order to clean up your own humiliation and conceal your shamefull history, we just don't want to say out loud for your Anatolian face saving...do you know where turki word come from? 突厥
  8. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    The Uyghur issue

    Muhahah, jealous of Anatolian? We have more admiration to Latino people than you, eventhough that Spain invaded and conquer south American, these native people are proud of their own identitie and call themself Latino instead of Spanish people. only the shamelessly Anatolian call themself as...
  9. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    The Uyghur issue

    what'zzzz matter too painfull to face the true of your own humiliation :lol:
  10. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    The Uyghur issue

    They feel less shamefull and less humiliated by standing on the Invader side and to add insult into injure, In order to prove that they're superior and loyal to Turkish invaders, these Anatolians kill and practice gencide against their kurdish blood brother while Uighur has nothing relate to...
  11. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    The Uyghur issue

    lol an Anatolian talk China's economy...so easy to believe :rofl:
  12. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    The Uyghur issue

    It's laugtable that these Analolians call themself turk :lol:, When real Turks invaded Anatolia and conquer Contantinople, these people were forced to be assimiliated and convert into Islam...instead of worshiping and respsect their own ancestors, they worship Inviader as their forefather...LMAO
  13. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    The Uyghur issue

    Mouhaha, an Anatolian talks about turkic world? :lol: go to look at the mirror if you're qualifiy to consider turk, we Chinese have a good business with Russia and Central Asia countries well beyond Anatoian's imagination...noone prevent you from live in your Turan wet dream. And you can...
  14. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    The Uyghur issue

    You talk like we Chineses need Anatolians, what cooperation we need from you? :lol: to fight against kurds?:D
  15. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    You're human being? you call "Han supremacist ideology resurfacing in China" when these animals stabbed innocent peoples in Kumming and Chang Sha, you're worst of the human, I hope these Innocents souls will curse you and hope you to join them in hell.
  16. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    You Anatolians sure like to see the unforeseen religious war such as Crusaders in the middle age over again in your soil, we Chinese like to take preventive measure not to let such thing happended as far as we're concern. No religions should rule suprem in China or will get ban.
  17. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    If I'm the ruler, I will pacified by merging all religions into one and to serve China's interest...Christian, Bhudism, Islam all religious people will stay in the same Temple or Musquet, sleep togheter and eat the same sh1t...this call standardization of the religion :D. We Chinese certainly...
  18. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    Let Uighurs stab your kinds similar in Kunming and Chang Sha...then see if your brain is still waking up to take preventive measure...LMAO
  19. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    200 Asylum-Seeking Uyghurs Detained in Thailand

    I like the proposal, let Uyghurs to live you Anatolian turk, we shall see if Turkey will give Uyghurs a favor treatement as China offered them compare to Han people :lol:. We Chinese has already 56 ethnic brothers and Sisters, in my opinion, welcome Kurds will only add fresh Idea into our...
  20. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    China, Russia Have Different Takes on Beijing’s Position

    We don't need explicitely to upset U.S with a declaration when we still able to milk them with trade surplus, a back door or informal support will be sufficient, Russia is capable to handle U.S. Chinese government didn't say anything but it allows our media to carry out their message subtilely...
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