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  1. Aeneas

    History of China

    just because the famous novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms?hehe,I like three kingdoms period also,and I like the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States era better.
  2. Aeneas

    My Sufferings and New Life

  3. Aeneas

    China earthquake kills hundreds in Qinghai

    I think we need more research on earthquake-resistant structure like Japanese does.
  4. Aeneas

    vedio in urumqi_in english

    today,I saw some workers from xinjiang on bus(I live in south China).they look exactly like workers from any other province,same kind of appearance,same kind of manner,work hard for make money like workers from anyother province too,though they speak their own language.
  5. Aeneas

    China 'trusts prostitutes more'

    we can tax more money if a rich family gives inheritance to their children
  6. Aeneas

    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    I know what is "Pareto effect" ,but the things China did in past years is different,I said it look stormy but it works.the government said to banks,be brave,forget about risks,we need speed up,government will back up if you failure.then the banks be brave enough to loan money to some...
  7. Aeneas

    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    my opinion the way China did in banks is rather stormy but efficient in past years.they will lend money to 10 corporations,five of them profit,the other 5 lose.but the benefit from 5 Profit-making corporation will exceed the lose from 5 unsuccessful corporation a lot. it is because there...
  8. Aeneas

    The Cost of Swine Flu

    if H1N1 Flu burst out in densely populated area like China or India or Bengal,it would be really a disaster.
  9. Aeneas

    India will beat China – all in its own good time

    but Japan had experience a drastically social revolution even before 1890s.
  10. Aeneas

    World's Largest Army

    you are right,nearly 2 million army gather there,not including USFK numbers and million of China,Russia and Japan army around there watching all day.at least one of the top 3 elite legion of China stay immediately to China-Korea border.
  11. Aeneas

    World's Largest Army

    It look like acount land force only. I'm sure total China amry personnel is about 2.3 million.
  12. Aeneas

    Each village will have a clinic-very very hot issue in China today

    Each village will have a clinic in three years - People's Daily Online Each village will have a clinic in three years + - 08:40, April 08, 2009 Related News Road map charted for universal healthcare Healthcare network to 'cover all' Feedback sought on reform of healthcare...
  13. Aeneas

    Each village will have a clinic-very very hot issue in China today

    Each village will have a clinic in three years - People's Daily Online Each village will have a clinic in three years + - 08:40, April 08, 2009 Related News Road map charted for universal healthcare Healthcare network to 'cover all' Feedback sought on reform of healthcare...
  14. Aeneas

    Future China Pakistan Relations

    the friendship between China and Pakistan had beyond the govt relationship,it widespread to common people of both countrys.so you see,no matter who become leader of China and Pakistan,they would surely follow the will of common people. I think we should learn about culture of each other in...
  15. Aeneas

    Why isn't there a concept of a common currency amongst Arabs?

    yes,maybe Japanese were hopping mad about Plaza Accord in 1985 too.which they were forced to rise value of Japanese yen.China witness the Lost decade of Japan,so we had to stick to dollar. I think,if there were strong eruo or arab currency,we needn't dollar peg.
  16. Aeneas

    Why America is hated in the Middle-east?

    be careful,my friend.it's hard to be enemy of US,and it's even harder to be friend of US.so China choose to be rival of US.
  17. Aeneas

    Why isn't there a concept of a common currency amongst Arabs?

    for China,I hope RMB become strong currency.but beside RMB,I think the League of Arab should make another strong currency.even it may not be as strong as dollar or eruo.at least it should be strong as Japanese yen.in fact,they have resource to build such kind of currency.
  18. Aeneas

    Why isn't there a concept of a common currency amongst Arabs?

    I had heard this plan before,The name "Khaleeji" has been proposed as a name for this currency.if true,the US dollars would be very displeased about it.so I think US will take all their enfort to prevent it happen.Israel is the very tool of US.:guns:
  19. Aeneas

    Why isn't there a concept of a common currency amongst Arabs?

    I really doubt why there is not unite currency of the League of Arab States?just like Euro. It has 22 members: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United...
  20. Aeneas

    why there are not unite currency of the League of Arab States?like Euro

    I really doubt why there are not unite currency of the League of Arab States?just like Euro. It has 22 members: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United...
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