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  1. haqeeqat.org

    Redrawing the Borders of Pakistan

    I agree with dabong1! Moreover, I would like to request that the term 'Islamic extremists' shall NOT be used for such people because seldom are the acts done by them in said references and regards are IslamIC; like the Indian Muslims refused to bury the (so-called) Muslim terrorists of Mumbai...
  2. haqeeqat.org

    Redrawing the Borders of Pakistan

    if you both pointed earlier map, i must say; InshaAllah :-)
  3. haqeeqat.org

    Israel Bombs Gaza - Hundreds Dead

    This article has been updated with complete report here: click here for videos and images built report
  4. haqeeqat.org

    Israel Bombs Gaza - Hundreds Dead

    Israel Missile Strike on Gaza leaves 230 Dead 400 Wounded U.S. Defends Israel’s Offensive As Retaliation For Recent Missile Strikes; Other World Leaders Condemn The Fighting GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip, December 27, 2008 Video: Israel Missile Strike on Gaza leaves 230 Dead 400 Wounded I...
  5. haqeeqat.org

    Funny Political comics

    Check our the following pictures of celebrities and politicians and the amazing similarity. Maradona & Mahmud al-Jandi Kofi Annan & Morgan Freeman Ayat-ullah Khumaini & Sean Connery Amel Muqeen (From Kuwait) & AhmadiNejad Ummm... ???
  6. haqeeqat.org

    U.S. Intrusion - Real Leadership is Acting not Sending Protests

    U.S. Intrusion - Real Leadership is Acting not Sending Protests While America continually fires missiles into FATA and now increasingly into NWFP, senior US officials continue to visit Pakistan as if nothing has changed. It is unprecedented in modern history for a country to maintain such...
  7. haqeeqat.org

    Redrawing the Borders of Pakistan

    Redrawing the Borders of Pakistan In 1916 Britain and France hatched a secret agreement to divide the lands of the Khilafah between them. This plan became known as the Sykes-Picot agreement, named after French diplomat François Georges-Picot and British diplomatic advisor Mark Sykes. Under...
  8. haqeeqat.org

    Britain throws more money at fighting Islam in the communities

    Britain throws more money at fighting Islam in the communities On 10/12/2008 Britain’s Home Secretary; Jacqui Smith said that the government’s counter-terrorism strategy had to extend to challenging non-violent extremist groups that “skirt the fringes of the law … to promote hate-filled...
  9. haqeeqat.org

    Europe and America are destroying the free market

    Europe and America are destroying the free market The very fact that the US government is entertaining a $34bn rescue package for its automobile industry is a clear admission that the free market is not worth protecting anymore. Over the past year or so the US has spent trillions of dollars...
  10. haqeeqat.org

    Pakistani Economy | A Shift Toward Thrift Required

    Pakistani Economy | A Shift Toward Thrift Required One wealthy man wrote this advice, True economy consists in always making the income exceed the outgo. Wear the old clothes a little longer if necessary; dispense with the new pair of gloves; mend the old dress; live on plainer food, if...
  11. haqeeqat.org

    The End of Capitalism?

    The End of Capitalism? As the financial crisis that has engulfed the world gets worse free market ideologues are finding it more and more difficult to defend Capitalism. State intervention the ultimate taboo of the free market has become their best friend throughout the crisis. As each...
  12. haqeeqat.org

    U.S. Treasury Submits to Islamic Shariah

    U.S. Treasury Submits to Islamic Shariah The U.S. Treasury Department is submitting to Shariah – the seditious religio-political-legal code authoritative Islam seeks to impose worldwide under a global theocracy. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Robert Kimmitt set the stage with his recent...
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