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  1. F

    India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer

    and the scud had conventional warhead which is just like a crude bomb, meant to explode on impact. they struck the missile fuselage to untercept yet the warhead survived at times to go into free fall and impact on ground to explode. granted but a nuclear weapon is altogether a different...
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    India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer

    I agree shield does not say 100% blockage. It means more than 60% and so I said if you launch 20 missiles, about 8 we expect to hit delhi. This is verified by computer simulations in case of sudden attack. With notice (as the situation now is with 100% alert levels) this goes further better but...
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    India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer

    actually delhi is under continuous shield. precisely my point, india is not delhi. i agree with you. that is why i said if you want to remove the decision makers, you need to really decimate delhi for which you may need a lions share of your resources. dropping a single warhead per city...
  4. F

    India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer

    Actually Pakistan was able to enrich some uranium only by 1985 and by the time of Ex. Brasstacks, they were not in a position even to assemble one bomb, let alone deliver it as per admissions by Gen Mirza Aslam Beg the COAS of PA from 1988-91. The crisis saw India poised to cut into pakistan and...
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    India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer

    actually no ..... you need to decimate the opposition till a level that he cant retaliate or is too paralysed to strike back at you ....... its not possible in this case ........ whatever the thing, its too horrible in terms of outcome to dwelve into easily
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    India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer

    asim you have to talk justify how can one warhead leave india in no state to respond? also there are AD units in capital so you shall have to launch 20 warheads and then expect maybe 8 or so to hit the targets. the remianing will be intercepted ...... that is a guarantee another thing is...
  7. F

    India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer

    dear the 100 warheads include air weapons and missile warheads. You dont have the minniaturistaion for MIRV and Tactical 155mm warheads yet ....... so tell me even if you have 1000 missiles, what will you put in them? be practical
  8. F

    India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer

    how do you know they had weapons? it can only be possible if a. IAF pilots called and told you that personally b. PAF ACs who "intercepted" them, were within 500 mts of the IAF ACs in which case they are horrible pilots (which I dont think as they are professional and i respect them) that...
  9. F

    India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer

    its a question which has no answer since 1986 Ex Brasstacks which almost created panic in pakistan as indian forces were poised to cut pakistan into two had escalation taken that day. its not if india will overwhelm you or not, that will be the case in every scenario, but what after? integration...
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    India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer

    asim also want to point out in 1947 it was a pakistan sponsored invasion that led to indian army being airlifted after instrument of ascession was signed. had pakistan not hurried at the time, india could not do anything and the local populance in time under Sheikh Abdullah would have revolted...
  11. F

    India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer

    asim one point .... you have about 100 nuclear warheads of all types ie missile and air delivered ...... now if you want to only level delhi you shall need about 20 nuclear warheads ..... correct me if am wrong ...... but i think that leaves 80 left and then do you expect to wipe out every city...
  12. F

    India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer

    any idea on nuclear fallout and how the expected casualties are calculated and how a the output and size and mode of delivery determines the casualties inflicted? I dont think you do, kindly read up and then type .... plain rhetoric
  13. F

    India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer

    no one thought pakistan didnt have any nukes. in fact since 1990 India has been screaming to the world that pak has nukes .... and so the ban of sales of military equipment by US in 90s to pakistan ....... yes you are right pakistan will end it .... but the implied outcome may be far different...
  14. F

    India has marked 5000 targets inside Pakistan: IAF Officer

    wow this thread is full of military jingoism and rhetoric. actually what i think the case is: a. till day before yesterday, there was no cancellation of leaves for Indian soldiers. Hell i am on leave till 27th Jan myself and there is no expectation of my leave being cancelled. its all...
  15. F

    What if PAF has to defend on two fronts?

    Dear Moderators my apologies please accept the same was only replying to earlier thread. and have quoted the same .... why is it that am being warned whereas other deviators are not? anyways wont happen now
  16. F

    What if PAF has to defend on two fronts?

    The key to a stronger defence force is a stronger economy to sustain it. If you study Indian history .... in 1991 it was on verge of bankruptcy ..... and over next decade, under economic reforms, the defence budget was sufficient only for pays and not even accomodations for men could be made as...
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    What if PAF has to defend on two fronts?

    actually howsoever you wish, this whole incident (mumbai) is not a ZIONIST conspiracy .....:rofl: come on I mean this is height of delusions ..... and granted there is a definite desire for peace ( for India it is to do more with utilising this time to become economically, socially and...
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    What if PAF has to defend on two fronts?

    yes you are right about that. have faith and face what has to be faced with courage. its the essence of all .... koran, geeta, buddhism, old and new testament ........ i agree:)
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    What if PAF has to defend on two fronts?

    my dear allah does not fight for anyone. he only in his wisdom gives you the courage to do so. even the wise one is unable to salvage stupidity. and there is a fine line between bravery and stupidity as x-man (being a fellow services man) can corroborate
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    What if PAF has to defend on two fronts?

    something i found browsing India's case gets stronger with Pak armyman's arrest-India-The Times of India
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