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  1. TruthSeeker

    U.S. lawmakers seek to honour Modi with address to Congress

    Don't be such a poor loser. You were flat out wrong in your post but are now too arrogant to admit it. The Haqqanis are NOT the Taliban. They are not now nor ever were.
  2. TruthSeeker

    Kurdish soldiers trained by Israelis

    Kurds and Israelis are natural allies. The Israelis should help the Kurds to develop a secure state as much as they can. In fact, the Israelis could also show that they are a good ally to the USA by being the conduit for deniable USA aid to the Kurds.
  3. TruthSeeker

    U.S. lawmakers seek to honour Modi with address to Congress

    The Taliban did not exist when Ronald Reagan was in the White House. The Taliban did not come into being until 1994 when Bill Clinton was President. Reagan NEVER honored the Taliban.
  4. TruthSeeker

    Japan Support thread

    Can Japan Change? Yes, It Can! It may not be a revolution, but change is happening in Japan in important ways. By Devin Stewart, June 20, 2014 For decades, Japan has been described as stagnant and arthritic. But no society remains the same forever, and even stagnation must come to an end...
  5. TruthSeeker

    Pollution in China Worsens

    5 years? A total fantasy. Try 50 years. The USA won't solve its pollution problems even within five years and we have been addressing it with numerous regulations and tax incentives since the mid-1970's. In fact, one of the significant reasons that American blue collar jobs have transferred...
  6. TruthSeeker

    Pollution in China Worsens

    They can't significantly reduce pollution without compromising economic growth, which would invite political instability. The Chinese "man in the street" will have to wear an air filter, always when outside, for the foreseeable future.
  7. TruthSeeker

    What America Thinks About Iraq

    What America Thinks About Iraq Two administrations' deadly incompetence has shaken their faith in the political class. By PEGGY NOONAN, Updated June 20, 2014, 6:28 p.m. ET 'The past is never dead. It's not even past." We are back to 2003 (the invasion), 2007 (the surge) and 2011 (the...
  8. TruthSeeker

    The Jewish Question: A Problem without a Solution

    All the Muslim "peace talk" needs to do right now is to convince the USA and European publics that they (the West Bank, Gaza and other displaced Palestinians) are excepting "defeat" and integration into a secular, non-violent Israel or de-militarized WestBank/Gaza territory. If they (the...
  9. TruthSeeker

    The Jewish Question: A Problem without a Solution

    I believe that the problem of peaceful Jewish integration into their present neighborhood can be solved, and would have been solved already, if the Muslim neighbors and the displaced Palestinians would just take a non-violent very long term approach. On the one hand Muslims say they will never...
  10. TruthSeeker

    US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

    US drones strike in North Waziristan, kill 6 'militants' By BILL ROGGIO, June 18, 2014 As the Pakistani military is launching airstrikes against foreign terrorist groups such as the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and the Turkistan Islamic Party as part of an operation that began on Sunday, the...
  11. TruthSeeker

    Hesn: New Iranian-backed Gaza jihadis

    Thursday, June 12th, 2014 | Posted by WorldTribune.com New Shi’ite player in the Gaza Strip: Hizbullah backs commander once banned by Hamas Special to WorldTribune.com GAZA CITY — The Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah is said to have encouraged the launch of Al Sabirin, a pro-Shi’ite militia, in the...
  12. TruthSeeker

    Global peace index charts 'staggering' $9.8tn cost of war

    Qatar is the only Muslim-majority country in the "most peaceful" category. Quite an accomplishment for a nation that has its fingers in a lot of violent pies.
  13. TruthSeeker

    Hesn: New Iranian-backed Gaza jihadis

    The OP is information and analysis. The only reason you think it is biased and pointless is because you, yourself, are biased and do not want others to have information and analysis to consider that contradicts your prejudices. Also, in view of the events in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, it is...
  14. TruthSeeker

    if women is free to show off her body, then why she is not free to cover it?

    Wearing covering clothing should be a free choice as long as the wearer accepts that legitimate authorities are allowed to search such a person, and to conclusively identify such a person, if needed. If an owner of a private property wishes to exclude such covered people in some way, that...
  15. TruthSeeker

    Hesn: New Iranian-backed Gaza jihadis

    Iran spawns new jihadist group in Gaza By JONATHAN SCHANZER & GRANT RUMLEYJune 18, 2014 Out of the Palestinian unity deal forged between Hamas and Fatah earlier this month, a new splinter has formed. Hesn is a shadowy Iran-backed jihadist faction in the Gaza Strip. The group's name is an...
  16. TruthSeeker

    South Korea to Transfer Pohang Class Corvette to the PHL Navy

    Good to see SK and the Philippines forming a meaningful alliance.
  17. TruthSeeker

    Remembering India’s Forgotten Holocaust

    And: "Top of the morning!!" to you, great sage. See, a post somewhere else ......
  18. TruthSeeker

    Kurdish Peshmerga clash with ISIS Terrorists

    I'm too old. And they don't need me. They just need the USA to be a steadfast ally, for a change.
  19. TruthSeeker

    Kurdish Peshmerga clash with ISIS Terrorists

    Go, Kurds!!! The USA should provide the Kurds with all the military gear they can absorb. Even a USA-Kurd joint forces base in Kurdish Iraq would be a very beneficial step for everyone in the middle East, especially the Kurds.
  20. TruthSeeker

    ISIS: "We will raise our flag in Tehran"

    Ha! Ha! "Democracy" brought them to ruin? I.e., THEY brought themselves to ruin. P.S. Maybe the religion of peace needs a bit of bloodletting reformation? Anyway, as long as Muslim sects are killing each other they are not killing non-Muslims. Praise Allah for that at least.
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