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  1. M

    Bangladesh Air Force

    It doesn't matter on how many more arse kicks are given to a shameless liar like U because that wouldn't change cult personality type of URs as numerous of recent past haven't done any good liked Chora na shone dharmer kahini. But for other board members, BNP bought the finest of new F-7's of...
  2. M

    BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

    Fake out! As the saying goes, satan can always fool some, also it can fool a portion for sometimes but it can't never fool a few. Perhaps S M Ahmed is one of those few along with Idune, MBI of this forum, thanks... BURMA TIMES কি বাংলাদেশ থেকে নিয়ন্ত্রিত? কোন লক্ষ্যে ও কার স্বার্থে এই...
  3. M

    First anniversary of Awami League massacre of Muslims

    Once Masud Mazumdar in one of his Nayadiganta's articles revealed that AWAMY Dalals were the biggest donners of Quomi Madrassas. Bearing that in mind and having threatened by RAWAMY goons throughout the country in the aftermath of the massacre, Poor/Orphan/Hefazoties back paddled. Being...
  4. M

    Big 3 proposal: Board of Control for Cricket in India threatens Bangladesh

    Don't try to own up thing that is being deceptively established to feed you at the first place. Shia and Ahmadi problems are political rather than religious. The current form of those sects were established by Western invaders (Shia indirectly by BRITS through Safabid and Ahmadi directly by them).
  5. M

    BNP-Jamaat was active to destabilize India by delivering 10 truck arms to ULFA

    Ha! Ha!! BD is a sovereign state that needs to be yelled at by Indians? Contrary to 140 Million's Muslim's new found reality, Bharatis seemed to hell bent on feeding us feel good/phantom carrots. So, RSS's terra scream, scream and scream more but U wouldn't be paid by us.
  6. M

    BNP-Jamaat was active to destabilize India by delivering 10 truck arms to ULFA

    Do U even know the main culprit, Paresh Barua has slipped away and being declared fugitive? How ironic is that dalal's muscle men grab innocent Shibiries from anywhere but let Paresh Barua run away? By taking BRITS lead for 190 yrs, U Indians have mastered on creating mermaid reality, the...
  7. M

    BNP-Jamaat was active to destabilize India by delivering 10 truck arms to ULFA

    Here Kali takes her final veneer off to show the ugliest of the ugly face. Having exhausted other capitals, she now reaches outer of hers. But hey, will whity allow her to trespass?
  8. M

    BNP-Jamaat was active to destabilize India by delivering 10 truck arms to ULFA

    Please don't try to own any of the foolish pride/Filling good rumors. RAWAMYS are far cunning than many here can even imagine. If U haven't read 'RAW & Bangladesh' as of yet then please go over it to find out the extent of RAW's infiltration in BD's institutions. IMHO, BNP & JI walas weren't...
  9. M

    BNP-Jamaat was active to destabilize India by delivering 10 truck arms to ULFA

    On what material proof, the judge of the Kangaroo court provided verdict of unprecedented nature? Championing of puppet's race to appease predator means what to a dalal? First off, there isn't any JeI cadre here. 2ndly, verdict by kangaroo judge means nothing as no legality by basing on might...
  10. M

    Breaking News : Khaleda alludes to controversial Satkhira report

    Satkhira resembled Spanish Guernica but coalition seemed took the side of Nazi's type at this that time. So, even those SOBs that created Bangladeshi Guernica were also coalition's ones thus they would walk away unpunished... [সাতক্ষীরা থেকে নির্যাতিত এক বোনের চিঠি, পড়ুন শেয়ার করুণ] "আপু...
  11. M

    India to seek international recognition for Hasina’s government

    If my memory served properly, it was that book, where the author revealed through one of Mujib's funeral attendees that his mother, Gouri Bala Devi didn't allow him to be circumcised; was not it?
  12. M

    BNP-Jamaat unleash targeted violence on Hindus and Christians in Bangladesh

    Honestly speaking, if U don't see the pattern of AL's wrong doings to undo BD for last 7 yrs then U either don't know how to analyze pattern or U are biased towards them. Just to grab power, AL had orchestrated the worst cruelty through Logi-Baita massacre on innocent JI/SHIBIRIES in OCT.28th...
  13. M

    BNP-Jamaat unleash targeted violence on Hindus and Christians in Bangladesh

    In the name of politics, what AL practices is complete Non-ethics, understand? So, what pops up in TV, Media against Hindus, minority in AL's favorable time is nothing but AL's non-ethics too. I guess, I have made everything else in this track easy for U figure out.. Try this one...টুডে ব্লগঃ...
  14. M

    BNP-Jamaat unleash targeted violence on Hindus and Christians in Bangladesh

    Let me take the liberty to negatively answer it. The reason behind 'AWAMY KORON' of administrative, legislative, judicial, police and military means. Now go and read on how BNP/JI, especially JI protects minorities in BD... কুমিল্লা চৌদ্দগ্রামে মন্দির পাহারা দিচ্ছে শিবির ০৪ মার্চ,২০১৩...
  15. M

    BNP-Jamaat unleash targeted violence on Hindus and Christians in Bangladesh

    India/RAW through AL gave those top positions to hindus but could RAW micro-manage AL's grass root activities? Answer to me is flat 'NO'. Now look at who actually attacked, looted Dinajpuri's homes and tell Dadas if AL is Hindus friends... আ.লীগের বিরুদ্ধে ২ শতাধিক বাড়িতে হামলা-লুটপাটের অভিযোগ...
  16. M

    BNP-Jamaat unleash targeted violence on Hindus and Christians in Bangladesh

    Excellently compiled news of real culprits on minority's oppression. An eye opener about AWAMY Leaguer's acts behind the veneer of JI/SHIBIRIES... বাংলাদেশে সংখ্যালঘুদের উপর হামলার প্রকৃত চিত্র এবং মিডিয়ার ব্লেইম গেমের অপরাজনীতি লিখেছেন চেয়ারম্যান ০৮ জানুয়ারি, ২০১৪, ০১:৩৭:১৪ রাত ১০ম...
  17. M

    BNP-Jamaat unleash targeted violence on Hindus and Christians in Bangladesh

    The term, Internet Hindu perfectly matches with UR character, when U refer the dissemination from mouth pieces of 'Hateful political platform' called Bangladesh-Hindu- Buddha-Christian Oikka Parishad. Since they don't add Muslims in their group then it's not rocket science to figure out that...
  18. M

    BNP-Jamaat unleash targeted violence on Hindus and Christians in Bangladesh

    This is a dangerous game and those Hindus that are willingly participating in it are 'Enemies of the State'. "Sacrifice UR own agent in UR chosen time and condition to bring the war climate in your favor" is a notorious tactic that has been brought from "The art of the war" and being...
  19. M

    BNP-Jamaat unleash targeted violence on Hindus and Christians in Bangladesh

    'Prothom Dailer Alo' and 'Daily Wannabe Star' are commie Moitta and Mahfuizza Mo-Fo runs propaganda pieces that haven't said a single truth while disseminating news about JI-SHIBIRIES, AFAIK. Now fake is out and even in Barishals attacks are AWAMY terror's handy work...
  20. M

    BNP-Jamaat unleash targeted violence on Hindus and Christians in Bangladesh

    Kothay Agortola aar Kothay Chakir Tola? Apart from that it is easy to deviate from the argument by throwing non-relevant stuff.
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