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  1. sweetboy

    PAF quickly put bases on high alert.

    boss do you know an thing about a bullets?,if war started between US and Pakistan, do you know the outcomes? we cant hurt them other than killing some hundreds of soldiers, but the entire country can be in flames of US made bombs Missiles, etc, I know it is a very crucial decision to start a...
  2. sweetboy

    US 'considering' further missions inside Pakistan

    yup, n US then should enter in Indian boundaries as well, to help them to fight extremism in their country like shev sena etc. You will then welcome them as they will help you? am i right?
  3. sweetboy

    Why is Pakistan lagging behind in SAM and ABM technology?

    boss tell me 1 thing that if our country will not be there then who will get education n from whom?:disagree:
  4. sweetboy

    Top ten military powers?

    what do u mean by this that pakistan have no nukes
  5. sweetboy

    China to supply FC-1/JF-17 fighters to Azerbaijan

    well said nobody is perfect pakistan will take time to bieng an expeertise in AC manufacturing.:pakistan:
  6. sweetboy

    Pakistan's Missile Technology

    Greater the payload shorter the range . smaller the payload longer the range.:hitwall:
  7. sweetboy

    Relocation of GHQ

    i think Islamabad is not more populated then Rawalpindi and E-10 is best place for GHQ what do u think.:what:
  8. sweetboy

    The Image of Pakistan Army Fast Getting Restored

    well done i love your way to discribe the whole metter clearly. and according to my point of veiw all politicians only know how to fill thier pockets not to think about poeples.:hitwall:
  9. sweetboy

    PA TANKS comparison with contempory tanks

    I only hear about arjun not seen this tank:disagree:
  10. sweetboy

    12 best tanks in world

    how they realize that T 90 is better than Al khalid:undecided:
  11. sweetboy

    Pakistan's plans for 5th generation

    is there any news in pakistani side about J-XX
  12. sweetboy

    Pakistan to manufacture J-10 fighter aircraft

    anybody can tell me that when the first pakistan made jf17 will fly in air of pakistan?
  13. sweetboy

    Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

    if pakistan get this ICBM the we will use it only in the case of any threat/conflict.:crazy::flame:
  14. sweetboy

    12 best tanks in world

    American biased website!! They only show American product the best mo matter what.only becuse there is no arjun tank in list ......... Be positive man.
  15. sweetboy

    Images from IDEAS 2008

    cool pics thanks .......................
  16. sweetboy

    Largest Armed Forces

    Any body can tell me that how much combat aircrafts paf have?
  17. sweetboy

    Possible steps to counter the rising threat from IAF ?

    now a days pakistan needs both quantity and quality for better air force............!
  18. sweetboy

    Modernization of the Pakistan Army Aviation

    if its treu than very good news bcuase pak military always need such steps.
  19. sweetboy

    PA TANKS comparison with contempory tanks

    if the given information is true then al khalid is better than t-90s:agree:
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