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  1. nick

    Police: Cab Driver Stabbed By Passenger Who Asked "Are You Muslim?"

    He was charged with second degree murder attempt for ethnic hate.
  2. nick

    B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

    haha... well that's true. because though our GDP is a little over US$ 200 billion but we have US$ 7.5 billion dollars "unused" reserve cash, which govt. is trying and crying to invest in somewhere. As no banks or industries are taking those money and govt. have that in their hands & don't know...
  3. nick

    B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

    US = United States = Uncle Sam BD = Bangladesh = Big Daddy IN = India = Intolerable Neighbor PK = Pakistan = Power King Got it? :agree:
  4. nick

    B'desh steps up troops deployment on Myanmar border amid row

    Nothing is gonna happen. Neither Bangladesh is trigger happy, nor Myanmar has the guts as they are almost isolated from the rest of the world. At least Myanmar won't buy reasons and give the opportunist westerns to throw up military regime, then establish democracy and take control of their huge...
  5. nick

    Bangladesh Military Thread

    I don't understand WHY our military cloth designers are so jerk that they always design clothes that looks like 1950's ? Didn't they ever see an uniform of western forces? It's not like those are very expensive to make. In fact, we are the third largest exporter of ready made cloths in the...
  6. nick

    Bangladesh Military Thread

    Russia supplied 8 migs between 1996 and 2001. Then they supplied another 8 between 2001 and 2005. This is confirmed in russia's own arms sales report. But don't you worry. India's force is still much larger than bangladesh and pakistan together. So be happy with quantity and frequency as you...
  7. nick

    Bangladesh Military Thread

    BDMilitary is pro-JAMAT , and the admin is the key asshole who ban members if they impose a different view than the admin. Just like Taliban.
  8. nick

    Bangladesh Army

    We gotta buy some better fighter jets. These F-7s and MiG-29s are vulnerable to SAM systems and no good in 21st century. :(
  9. nick

    India working to make Bangladesh a desert

    India won't get nothing of it. If they really choose the hard way,Bangladesh will change too for the next 50 years. At least India should keep that in mind that Bangladesh doesn't choose the "North Korea" type policy aligned with China and also have not started of using its geographic...
  10. nick

    India asked not to build Tipaimukh dam before deal

    After the tipaimukh dam is complete, Sheikh Hasina will go back to her motherland - India permanently and will own a medal of honor for her and her families long service for India as a RAW agent inside Bangladesh.
  11. nick

    Troop Movements Reported Along Bangladesh-Burma Border

    Which country in this south asia gives a **** about India as a regional power? India is a regional "Pain" and others are re-unifying to tackle it. Got it, mate? :guns:
  12. nick

    Indian journo dares to call Bangladesh a ''buffer state''-Local newsmen taken aback

    She is Hindu and she has very good relation with indian PM Manmohan Singh . She is a doctor and her relations with Indian politicians is a major headache for the people,policymakers and security agencies. She is a prime agent of India for sure. But she will be taken care of by the people of...
  13. nick

    Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden

    Read this 2007 news : The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced By MATTHEW HICKLEY Last updated at 00:13 10 November 2007 When the U.S. Navy deploys a battle fleet on exercises, it takes the security of its...
  14. nick

    Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden

    Elephant values more when its DEAD. Because it's teeth is very worthy which it used to say big words. Big elephant shits more.
  15. nick

    Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden

    What about Indian news agencies?
  16. nick

    Chinese warships force Indian submarine to surface in Gulf of Aden

    Exactly. They should have blown it.
  17. nick

    Bangladesh Raising SWAT

    Brother, I don't have any more pics. But when I'll get it, I'll post for sure. :)
  18. nick

    Military analyst: Myanmar Navy can't compete with Bangladesh's

    Bangladesh is the 3rd largest Muslim country in the world and yes sunni muslim country, but you should also know that Bangladesh also have a very small number of Shi'a and have Shi'a mosques in Dhaka capital too, we also have Hindu,Budhdhist,Christian with Church,Temples and everybody can...
  19. nick


    Migs and F-7s can do the job.
  20. nick

    Bangladesh Army orders Chinese Self-Propelled Howitzers

    When you will move through mud, any wheeled heavy vehicle will stuck in muds, specially this happens in rainy seasons and then it will take another heavy truck/vehicle to pull it out. But if you use tracked vehicle, it will only make lots of damage to streets but nothing can stop it.
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