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  1. C

    Mumbai Attacks

    Guys please forgive me, I was molested by a cow when I was young.
  2. C

    No houses for Muslims in India

    Dear Pakistani Forum Members, Please do not forget why Bangladesh was born. Bangladesh would have been a part of Pakistan if you had shown the same consideration that you are NOW showing towards international muslims especially Indian muslims. Bangladesh is a testimony about your attitude...
  3. C

    India fanatical hindu warmongerers demand war with Pakistan!

    Oh... only India has created this imbalance... so you think there is no imbalance among people in Pakistan... whatever you said is more prominent in Pakistan than India... you must have got confused with your experience in pakistan and thinking that situation must be the same in India too...
  4. C

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    Dear Sir, What is the use in kicking the IAF butt when pakistan lost half of your country. Your action is like a boxing match loser after losing by knockout but boasting of the punches he delivered. People will remember only about who won the match or war. After all, Pakistan does not deserve an...
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    Peshawar blast kills 20, injures 90

    Start doing it soon sir, entire world will come to know about the delusional world you live in... already the world opinion on you and Pakistan's image is similar to what entire world think about North Koreans and what North Koreans think about the entire world. If you need more information...
  6. C

    Samjhauta Express bombing carried out by indian army officer

    Just a comparison of events if the Samjhauta bombing happened in Pakistan If Bombing happened in Pakistan by Muslim Terrorist Group: Initial reaction: Pakistani Media and Politicians including the government) will blame it as the work of RAW/CIA/Afghan for the blasts. Later: The real...
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    The second coming of a Quaid

    Mr. Ali.009 Sir, Pardon my ignorance, can you name one country which was ruled by only one raja (i mean one clan or dynasty) throughout their history. Sorry to veer off the topic.
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    Soon Taliban back in power.

    Now your own guy is telling what I said in my previous post.
  9. C

    Soon Taliban back in power.

    Will there be any military solution to insurgency in Pakistan, if they come to power in Afghan then Pakistan is next.
  10. C

    Pakistani flags in three places in Assam..wake up India

    Illegal Bangladeshi migrants do not have guts to hoist their Motherland Flags, because that would cause their color to give out. That's the kind of patriotism they have, for them (Bangladeshi immigrants) their Motherland comes only second.
  11. C

    Zardari seeks $100 billion for Pakistan's survival

    Zardari is not asking for loan but a grant. He does not want even the word Aid to be used. Correct me if I am wrong, so Pakistan does not need to repay the $100 billion if provided, which is good for Pakistan. In that case why the forum members are opposing Zardari?
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