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  1. C

    Will Chinese Smartphones Surpass Established Brands in Sales?

    In case of Wiko, the stituation is totally different. Chinese unknown phone maker Tinno is actually the majority shareholder of Wiko, which they brought in 2012. » Wiko the success of the Franco-Chinese mobileWorld Pop
  2. C

    The United States needs air power, but it does not need an air force.

    There also is the Air National Guard. Even without the USAF, the air power US has right now is one of the most formidable air force in the world if not THE most.
  3. C

    Airlines from 3 more countries comply with China's ADIZ rules

    Here You are basically saying just because J-8II is a small airplane it is supposed to be agile at all speed, which is not true at all. You might spend something with some aircrafts on the ground, but I also spent many long hours with different aircraft's models in the wing tunnel to the...
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    Airlines from 3 more countries comply with China's ADIZ rules

    You are the one will be laughed out of the room if you try to have that arguement with real pilots. Even wiki can explain this to you. Stall (flight) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  5. C

    How CCP ruling china solong

    Those so call representatives only represent those campaign contributors that actually put them in power by giving money to them for getting your votes by any necessary means.
  6. C

    China's just sent a rocket to the moon ,Why give $27 million aid

    This reporter has no knowledge of how international politics works or is just being native and stupid at same time about it. The last part is definitely UK's reason for giving PRC aid regardless of its economic statues.
  7. C

    Chinese CH-47 Chinook exposed

    I don't see the point of it. Why should China try to get Ch-47 where it can easily get Mi-26 from Russia. Mi-26 flies faster, carries more payloads and has a longer ranger.
  8. C

    Chinese CH-47 Chinook exposed

    Why is it news? I believe PRC was planning to import the civilian model Boeing 234 in the 80's for CAAC. I don't know the status of that deal though. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/49/CAAC_B234_in_flight.jpeg In addition, I thought CATIC had an agreement to co produce Boeing 234...
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    Airlines from 3 more countries comply with China's ADIZ rules

    For an aircraft such as J-8II, did you realized how high the AoA was for J-8II at the time of the accident in order for it to keep at the same pace of EP-3. EP-3 was flying at 180 knots which is very close to the stall speed for aircraft such as J-8II. Then you tell me how agile J-8II is at...
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    How CCP ruling china solong

    Then the American populace is just as imcompetent as he is which it isn't true at all. You wish it is that simple. The reality is that by having influencial people around you, you get access to big war chest which translate into bigger media coverage and better campaign strategists, and by...
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    Airlines from 3 more countries comply with China's ADIZ rules

    Where is your professionals the world over's opinion about Su-27's pilots that collided with P-3B. Surgical is the word often associated with that incident. One thing I agree is that Wang probably is not as skilled as the soviet pilots in that Su-27, and of course there is no comparision...
  12. C

    How CCP ruling china solong

    Then you are talking as if he was elected to both office based on his merits and competence. All politicians in PRC are career politicians, you don't get to the top position without proving yourself from the bottom, unlike in domecracy where you can come out of nowhere by just have enough...
  13. C

    Airlines from 3 more countries comply with China's ADIZ rules

    Then may I ask you that how many those violation were done by foreign military aircrafts or even civilian aircrafts? Most of those violation were done by domestic private civilian aircrafts flying into a restricted air space. Please remind me when is the last time US's air space was violated...
  14. C

    How CCP ruling china solong

    By saying that, you have proven that you have zero knowledge of how PRC politics works. Yes, Xi is a princeling, but that is not the main reason he became the leader of PRC. If you want to compare Xi with Bush Jr, why don't you pull up both of their resume for a comparison. Xi rose to power...
  15. C

    2008 Chinese military parade, HD

    Since when does China has a military parade in 2008?
  16. C

    Airlines from 3 more countries comply with China's ADIZ rules

    Mind you that both incidents the Korean airliner were already deep inside of Soviet territory.
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    Airlines from 3 more countries comply with China's ADIZ rules

    KAL902 in 1978. It seems KAL has a habbit of being shot down by the Soviet air force. Korean Air Lines Flight 902 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  18. C

    Hypothesis: Hypothesis: Should China sell J-8II H/F to N. Korea to replace gaining Fleet

    Said Chinese officials themselves. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Korea/KOR-01-070813.html Wikileaks cables reveal China 'ready to abandon North Korea' | World news | The Guardian Why China is afraid of North Korea - The Week The reason China help DPRK is for its own stragedical purpose, but...
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    World N.o3, Chinese leave footprints on the Moon !

    Some conspircists might say that China and US were using the same studio.
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    U.S. Navy-China showdown: Chinese try to halt U.S. cruiser in international waters

    I don't have any problem with US navy ships sailing around China's coast, but as you admit yourself if you are being an a$$hole about it, then don't expect to get a kind response in return.
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