Bush to Zardari: %&*$ The people of Pakistan. Do whats best for the American Interestss and thou shalt not remain just ONE of richest people in Pakistan.
General Jana (Wow! so Star Warsy)
(RGHGHR......whomever likes what I write either to agree or agree to disagree for the sake of argument, better be thankfull that I am writing this......because of a seriese of unfortunate events I am now writting this for the third time and I am so not use to...
So threre's gona be like, terorist/extremist devices and chemicals making course in universities now? I hear Uni's like to go with the most profitable trend.
Sorry folks was just kidding.
is the US really monitoring our Nuclear arsenal? do they actually know where we keep them? what if, they wish so to Invade Pakistan, can some one give me insight?
Dear Fellows,
I have submited to tradition, did a quick search on World War 3 centering around Indo-Pak in vain, have had a blissfull time in vanity of my Imagination and now eagerly anticipate the arival of a write up from the 'land of the guns'......
I beleive America IS attackin Pakistan...
Hi, I am a wanna be novelist and for my very first novel I'd like to attemt on a possible US-Allied full scale attack on Pakistan as the Background.
I am sure there are a lot of knowledgable, analytical people here and as a complete layman I'd appreciate some help. so, in the even that the US...