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  1. E

    Dam Construction in Pakistan

    The engineering design and tender documents works of Diamer Basha dam project are completed by 30 June 2008. I was in Diamer Basha Consultants Office, Lahore untill 30 June 2008. I came here in Norway on 5th August 2008. Now as it is finished so consultants are demobalized. now a dayz...
  2. E

    Dam Construction in Pakistan

    I will like to add that these features are from the previous design which was done by NEAC at the feasaility stage. Latest design features are here-under DIVERSION TUNNELS 2 No. WITH TOTAL LENGTH OF 2 KmCOFFER DAMS 55 m HIGH UPSTREAM & 25 m HIGH DOWNSTREAM MAIN DAM 272 m HIGH, 990 m LONG...
  3. E

    Dam Construction in Pakistan

    1. if it start (inshallah) next year, it will be completed by 2016, as per schadule. 2. yes there are some problems with funds. Govt. need at least 60% finance from outside. but hopefully this will be sorted out. 3. still the contractors are not decided, prequalification of contractors is on...
  4. E

    Dam Construction in Pakistan

    Salam to alll, i am a geotech engineer worked on Engineering design and tender documents of Diamer Basha Dam Project. If any buddy wanna ask sumthing. plzzz ask i Will be happy to ans that.
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