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  1. deltacamelately

    Anger boils over after US drone attack

    A state can not hope for peace by negotiatining with terrorists. Anykind of negotiation with a group/groups of armed militants, challenging the very writ of the state, will only undermine the people actually responsible for holding the state together, i.e. the security forces of the said state...
  2. deltacamelately

    Dhaka v/s Kolkata

    Thank you Gents for all the lovely pictures of the two cities. Refreshing and very informative indeed.
  3. deltacamelately

    CHAOS IN SOUTH ASIA - On the Brink

    I have my resevations that such styles of policing can be forced down the gullet of our existing force. It will at best require a properly managed and slow evolution. One can not expect overnight change to a system, wherein one is forced to pay cash just to lodge a simple FIR most of the times...
  4. deltacamelately

    CHAOS IN SOUTH ASIA - On the Brink

    The police problem is common to more or less all the SA countries. The police force is corrupt to the heel. They serve the political class as an appendage and some are even mentors of upcoming crminals. The IPC/CRPC is a joke, it is more of a Colonial relic. I am sure it must be more or less...
  5. deltacamelately

    CHAOS IN SOUTH ASIA - On the Brink

    One really wonders, are we the people of SA destined for peace or chaos in the not so distant future? Life pulls on, as some of us warily watch the unfolding of regional and international dynamics...
  6. deltacamelately

    Don't Push India To Build Anti-China Alliance: OSD Official

    Incompetency added with impotence... flavored with such linguistics??? Troublesome indeed. Change the flag buddy, fast.
  7. deltacamelately

    Militant Outfits in Punjab have a good number of retired military personnel

    I would rather disagree here. Its not the PA's incompetence as a fighting force against the Pashtun insurgents to mount a successful CI operation, its way more complex than you make out of it. Its also just not religious zeal that stops your Generals from routing these scums. The core of the...
  8. deltacamelately

    The myth of American military superiority

    Probably true. However, to what some posters refered here as the US losing in Iraq and AStan, they are also conversant with a kind of warfare called "scorched earth policy". Luckily the US isn't implementing it, otherwise you would have used something more grand than ALOT.
  9. deltacamelately

    The myth of American military superiority

    Yes that's correct. Also, the BD Airforce is probably more powerful overall than USAF.
  10. deltacamelately

    The big three who can help save Afghanistan

    The GoI has already cleared its stance in the past. Indian Forces will not operate under a US/NATO command. The only way possible for having Indian boots in A-Stan is through a UN Sanctioned mandate, which is not available. That pretty much clears up things.
  11. deltacamelately

    Indian Army gets Battle ready on Jaisalmer border with Pakistan.

    That leaves no space for any further academic arbitration. The Chinese are known to have provided the blue print of a gun type nuke, you are opening a new chapter here altogether. The Vela incident is unsubstantiated till date. And there are NO credible sources that hint at any iota of...
  12. deltacamelately

    Indian Army gets Battle ready on Jaisalmer border with Pakistan.

    There is a reason why experts disagree on whether you can have reliable nuclear arsenals, especially ones using advanced warhead designs, such as thermo nukes, miniaturized warheads etc. without testing, because it is very unlikely to develop significant nuclear innovations without testing...
  13. deltacamelately

    Indian Army gets Battle ready on Jaisalmer border with Pakistan.

    Though I am no authority on the subject being debated here, whatever open source material available suggest, no one (outside the subcontinent) is confident that Pakistan and possibly India too, have till date, been able to miniaturize their warheads, enough to mate them to missiles. Hell...
  14. deltacamelately

    Indian Army gets Battle ready on Jaisalmer border with Pakistan.

    Pakistan is investing more on the number of warheads, most of which are reported to be gun type. There are no compelling evidence to suggest that Pakistan has successfully miniaturized the warheads enough to fit them on to her ballistic or cruise missiles. For the time it appears that it won't...
  15. deltacamelately

    Indian strategic thinking and Pakistan.

    Not necessarily true - For example, can you list the Chinese regiments and their Senior Colonels opposite the Indian side?
  16. deltacamelately

    Indian strategic thinking and Pakistan.

    Point taken. I am amply aware about the issues with the INSAS. I have personally debated over the designers inabilities and have laughed out over their continued efforts on coming out with the carbine version. That being said, my whole contention throughout this debate, is the difference in...
  17. deltacamelately

    Indian strategic thinking and Pakistan.

    My contention was, apart from the Thagla Ridge and Namka Chu, all other possible points of ingress are watched too. Its no more like what the IA forward units experienced back in 1962. The entire military intelligence was clueless about the PLA thrust points. To borrow a quote from somebody -...
  18. deltacamelately

    Indian strategic thinking and Pakistan.

    If the Chinese comedown the Bailly Trail, they would emerge at Thambang, between Dirang Dzong and Bomdi La. The objective in 1962 was to cut Dirang Dzong and Se La, which was probably the only tennable defensive post at the moment. What can be the Chinese objective this time? Same? Today the...
  19. deltacamelately

    Indian strategic thinking and Pakistan.

    There is precious little else India can do vis-a-vis China, while considering the Burmese front. That the GoI is still feeding the Junta implies, that it must have secured tangible assurances therein. Its fool hardy to assume otherwise. The Dong Hill East of Lohit river, Maha Plateau, Ladders...
  20. deltacamelately

    Indian strategic thinking and Pakistan.

    Yes, the PA can and possibly could. However, why not go through some real interesting threads available in this very forum, before dishing out the prescription Doctor?
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