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  1. P

    The Silent Soldier l DG ISI Lt. General Akhtar Abdur Rahman

    my blog is Therearenosunglasses’s Weblog Peter Chamberlin The Bear Trap is a great book, but I could only find it English on a Russian site in the present format. I had to copy individual pages to get it all in one place. Perhaps someone could put it into pdf form.
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    Reclaiming Pakistan's Frontier!

    Rarely is the situation in Pakistan's Frontier Region as it seems. It is natural to be skeptical of all news that penetrates the various news filters of Pakistan and the West. News of resumed Predator strikes in S. Waziristan today, throws new light on a retracted Dawn editorial about the war...
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    FATA Situation

    US/Pakistan Showdown/Throwdown July12 By: Peter Chamberlin Obama has begun the tedious work of separating himself from the failed policies of his predecessor. He has halted pending Bush regulations and executive orders and...
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    Maps Of FATA

    I found this outstanding detailed map of Pakistan Detailed map of Pakistan
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    CIA/Indian/Afghan Involvement in WoT in Pakistan

    The Hatred That Seeks Solace In Oblivion By: Peter chamberlin As the tensions between the two nuclear powers continues to rise because of acrimonious accusations being exchanged over the recent Mumbai attacks, saner heads need to step forward to cool the passionate rhetoric, before the...
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    FATA Situation

    WE KNOW THEIR PLANS By: Peter Chamberlin The following warning about a “potential explosion region-wide” in the Middle East, occurring by February 15, 2009, predates Biden’s and Colin Powell’s identical warning. ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI: “The political awakening that is happening worldwide is a...
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    The Red White and Blue Roots of Terrorism

    The Red White and Blue Roots of Terrorism By: Peter Chamberlin As far as I know, nobody has focused upon the real roots of the war on terror, which are also the solution to it—American-sponsored terrorism. Paid military extremist types, trained by us to carry-out attack missions upon...
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    Turning Away From American State Terrorism

    The Election Is a Turning Point Turning Away From American State Terrorism By: Peter Chamberlin “The American people realize this election represents a turning point. In two months they will decide the future...
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    Karzai: I'll send troops to Pakistan

    America’s Magnificent Failure By: Peter Chamberlin "The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over, and then expecting different results." Attributed to Albert Einstein. By this definition, the foreign policy of the United States in 2008 is clinically...
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