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  1. P

    Karzai threatens to send Afgan troop to pak..?

    yaa u rightly said he do not have guts to challege pakistan , karzai is jumping on the backing of the forces present in Afghaan. :pakistan:
  2. P

    Karzai threatens to send Afgan troop to pak..?

    I think Karzai has totally gone mad. He himself is dependent on nato forces. He has to be given strong response from pakistan side.
  3. P

    Geo TV Ordered To remove two shows or Shutdown within 48 hours by UAE government

    I really pity the thinking of Musharaf And soon very soon he will be on trial, soon people of pakistan will make an example out of him so that no one in future could dictate pakistan freedom... :pakistan: ALLAH HAFIZ.
  4. P

    American strike killed pak soldiers..?

    Just saw news about pakistan innocent civilians as well our soldeirs shaheed by ameri-attack. Do anyone have to say about our self respect & self - esteem as an independent country. Was salaam. :pakistan:
  5. P

    ‘Musharraf reconciled to exit’

    all those who have looted the resources of pak should be put trial under free & independent judicial system. I dont think Musharaf want to exit pak if he wanted to should not be allowed to exit with out a trail.
  6. P


    I agree with the comments of vish, & can anyone tell how many developed nations on the face of the earth have experienced military coup..?? whereas it came to pak 2-3 times... Military should not exceed its limits and should concentrate on their job rather than jumping into politics in the...
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    sir, with all respect, I bet if you go for public opinion poll on martial law 99% will say NO whereas 1% will be the one representing ur opinion. was salaam, ali.
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    Musharaff spokesman ...

    Keysersoze bhai, thnx for ur lovely comments, secondly how justified r u in blaming current idiots for downturn in economy when they have been in gov for only 2 months to date. now lets dont say things can go wrong all of sudden overnight.. thirdly the word you used "co-operate" is...
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    one short answer is.. NO MORE MARTIAL LAW...TO HELL WITH MARTIAL LAW...!! thats the "VOICE OF PEOPLE OF PAK" Allah hafiz
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    Musharaff spokesman ...

    I dont know whether gen.kiyani was speaking the truth or not but one thing i am sure is that the people of pakistan including myself, now has seen the poor & failure policies of the Gen. musharaf which is apparant by current worsen economic condition of pak which is mainly resulted of past 8...
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    Musharaff spokesman ...

    salaam. Does musharaff spokesman i.e Querishi is more knowledgeable in weapons specification to Gen. Kiyani..?? Today Querishi replied to Gen.kiyani interview on Geo tv that he do not have proper knowledge what a phosphorus grenade is which is quite surprising that on the one side...
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