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  1. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    Jamshed was no where to be seen in the LONG MARCH. Did somebody see him or was he on LONE MARCH !!! Come on Jamshed why were you hiding from the public ?? Are you weak in public speaking ??
  2. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    Karzai has given the statement to send his troops into Pakistan as a reaction to Lt Gen (R) Jamshed Gulzar's satatement which Karzai thinks has humiliated Afghan Army by saying " Pakistan Army is not Afghan Army". Hmmm Karzai is rightly offended and he wants to prove that Jamshed has misjudged...
  3. N

    Karzai threatens to send Afgan troop to pak..?

    I think instead of threating Pakistan,Karzai should send his army to Kandahar to guard the rest of prisons because the prisoners keep escaping from Afghan jails !!! And I think Karzai has given this statement as a reaction to Lt Gen (R) Jamshed Gulzar's satatement which Karzai thinks has...
  4. N

    Mercedes Benz F4000 Carving

    My Batman also used to have a bicycle only.....Lol !!! Yes Moin you are right ,this one seems to be a very smart car. Any knowledge about the car which slows down to avoid a collision with any other car or a hurdle. I think that is also a Mercedes????
  5. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    Why did the Zameer Bhai of Maj Gen Ehtesham Zameer went to sleep when as per his statement he was rigging the results of referendum for Musharraf?? He should be questioned as to why did he do it in the first place?? On whose orders did he rig the results??Why has he kept silent since 2002??and...
  6. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    Listen folks !! the rats have decided to jump off the sinking ship. Lt Gen Jamshed Gulzar,Lt Gen Qayyum and Lt Gen Moeen Haider are trying their best to jump off the sinking ship of Musharraf. They do not realise that they will not be able to swim through the sea. Seeing their displayed...
  7. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    The bank statements will not matter much for him because in terms of Qazi Hussain Ahmed's words Jamshed Gulzar was not a Corps Commander but he was a CRORE COMMANDER. I think his next move should be that Gen Jamshed should appear on the TV again and announce that he is giving up all the plots of...
  8. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    One question crossess my mind after seeing the interview of Gen Jamshed Gulzar and reading through the "very very responsible" statements of Gen Qayyum (steel mill) and others like them......why doesn't the Army train its officers to become crooks like Pakistani politicians??? I mean to say that...
  9. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    I watched with interest the meeting of Pervez Musharraf with members of the press today i.e. 7th June 2008 telecast on GeoTV and ARY One world TV which was also shown in the UK . Pervez Musharraf deserves appreciation for keeping his cool on the question of Jamshed Gulzar. He did not flare up or...
  10. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    Does any one know if the ex Nazim of Rawalpindi Tariq Kiyani and Gen Jamshed Gulzar Kiyani are relatives or not. Being Kiyani they are from the same tribe but is their any relashionship between them or not????
  11. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    I agree with you. WE DO NOT NEED ENEMIES. We have LT GEN(R) JAMSHED GULZAR KIYANI, SHAHID MASOOD, HAMID MIR AND KASHIF ABBASI. They are enough to help complete our enemy's mission !!!!!
  12. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    A hypothetical situation:If it is possible to have an enquiry on Kargil completed before the by-elections,this same Nawaz Sharif is going to give up his demand of conducting that enquiry. Because that way his true face will be exposed and he will not be able to win the by-election. Now he knows...
  13. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    Has the Pakistani nation forgotten about Nawaz Sharif's mysterious activities as a PM? Do you remember that during his first tenure as PM on weekends,he used to book a whole train coach from Lahore to Islamabad and used to enjoy the company of poor but famous singer Naheed Akhtar during the...
  14. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    Gen Hameed Gul Sir, why are you not coming on TV these days with your juicy stories against Musharraf. When those, who used to lick the boots of Musharraf have come on Geo TV to be in the lime light then why are you holding back?? Come forward and take your revenge,after all you are a staunch...
  15. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    Gulzar Kayani says that at the time of Kargil war he was a Major General and serving in ISI. Headquarters of ISI must have given him a situational briefing on Kargil, as it was not the place to give any operational briefing about a war to the PM. It should have been held in GHQ. Where the PM...
  16. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    I suggest that Sartaj Aziz and Gen(R) Majeed Malik should come forward to confirm or contradict that any briefings were given to Nawaz Sharif on Kargil or not.
  17. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    It is evident from the interview of Gen Kiyani that he was out of his mind at that time. He gave the impression as if Pak Army used chemical weapons in Laal Masjid like the Chemical Ali of Iraq did against the Kurds.But he has not told Shahid Masood that from where did the heavy machine guns and...
  18. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    I agree with you. It is impossible to locate bodies lying under millions of tons of snow. But this point should have been taken correctly. Not in the sense the professional Kayani was saying as if no one wanted to bring those bodies back.
  19. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    I think a senior officer like general Kiyani should himself be tried by a court martial for revealing the Army secrets which he had kept to himself for 9 years since Kargil war.He should be asked that what did he do as the Corps Commander to improve the defence bunkers of Pakistan Army along the...
  20. N

    Jamshed Kiyani's "Revelations".

    I am appalled and disgusted to watch Lt Gen (R) Jamshed Gulzar Kiyani's interview in Geo TV on 2nd June 2008.The man lacks moral courage. The point to be noted is that he has spoken NOW when it is likelier that due to the over all unrest in Pakistan, Gen Pervez Musharraf might have to go. Gen...
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