The title is somewhat misleading, while it is true that Aceh is part of Indonesia, but Islamic sharia laws and sharia law enforcement a.k.a sharia police officers are not part of Indonesian police force. They are provincial law enforcement and can only be found in Aceh, has only jurisdiction in...
You do know that while Silat is recognized as being a heritage from Malaysia, Pencak Silat is also being recognized by UNESCO as Indonesian heritage right? You fucking dumb son of a whore...
Even funnier is that Indonesian government set target based on IMF and WB prediction prior of each year. If anyone should be blamed for the 5 percent growths, they should blame IMF and WB for keep predicting Indonesian growth around 5 percent. Lol
So I suppose the formation would be like:
PT INKA: Project manager, loco and coaches supplier
PT LEN: Signals, electrical controls
PT KAI: Train management
PT Waskita: Physical infrastructure
Now you know why I became silent reader and troller. Capek diskusi yang bener disini. Lo cari info, referensi, dibales cuma sebait dua bait kata kata geje.
Yet Indonesia's credit rating is investment grade whereas Vietnam is non investment speculative grade. :sarcastic:You are a third class communist after all :enjoy:
Bout time! We just sank another ships of yours. Where were these 13 ships when we caught yet another VN poor fishermen? Sleeping? Not enough fuel to keep running? Old engines? :yahoo:
Useless ships :lol...
Yeah but the link does not support your statement here, Lügner:
Meanwhile, XPander parts are sourced from 120 Indonesian manufacturers:
How many VN manufacturers will supply parts for...
Except you are not making them. You are assembling a car that is designed in Indonesia under Mitsubishi brand, which will probably use parts manufactured in Indonesia as well since the supply chain in Indonesia is near 100% for Japanese brands. That is pretty far from 100% made in Vietnam claim...
So you feel you had to counter their posts? Lol what kind of inferior complex ridden person feels the urge to copy what others do? I mean hey, your right, but at least stop picking up fights and lying.
I am flattered tho. The viets do look up to Indonesia. I mean they care so much about Indonesia where none of us hardly talk anything about Vietnam other than their refugees.
No day without mentioning Indonesia? Lol your cars aint worthy enough for our palm oil. We prefer cash (that if you have any). China is a much better prospect anyway lol.
Buying due to discount and buying out of fear of being fired are two different things you know... 17k for a hatchback in a country where most cannot afford cars. Vinfast better start working with the government to force people to buy that under the threat of guns.