they opened fire on muslim other side while keep resting non muslims in there country enjoying pak afghan fighting at torkham
didn't we provide home to millions of refugees,
didn't we provide port facilities for afghan good,
didn't we provide medical before
this is the consideration they...
can't we throw while we are going 5th largest
don't export why.?
this is most precious in pak as well as your friend Afghanistan like other products coming via
export what customer is asking you need to learn marketing
mostly this is industrial raw material but as compared to china this is meager chinese industrial raw material and machinery bolstering every market . products you mentioned in this article i don't think is of any fear to pakistani products or are black listed
This is not our victory this is victory of US and India without any effort in your home they are fighting with Pakistan because Pakistan is the only threat in Islamic countries for them
for god sake forgive us . keep your job, f-16 anything else we don't need , we need islamic society in our country while we don't want antagonize with you build Afghanistan with india iran we are happy with china
Afghani are very much fond of meat as compared to pakistanis