Hahaha funny with you viet, you just can't stand smart discussion, indonesian shrimp industries are well and getting stronger without have to smugle or stealing from other countries, not like yours, and how many vietnamese illegal fishing vessel that being sunk by indonesian authority for...
I use 2018 data and you use 2017 data lol......wheres vietnam!? Oh yeah vietnam biggest shrimp export to china as raw comodity, you hate the chinese so much but yet you dependant on them, such an irony lol
Bhahahahaha hey your posting it on china and fareast segment right, why should i can't speak my mind here!? lol what i post are reality not hoax, so i guess its okay to post comment in here
Use 2018 data please, indonesia are no.1, india no.2, thailand no.3, vietnam number........bhahahaha i...
Lol, you make me speechless with your comment, have you have any shame at all to be a thief!!??
By the way if you are thinking that australia will replace indonesian shrimp with vietnam illegal shrimp you must be kidding, indonesia are the biggest buyer for australian beef industies, if they...
We indonesian will be happy if vietnam economy boom and its people prosperous but please do not steal our fish in our waters and smugled indonesian shrimp seed and exported it to other country and claimed it as yours.
Lol, you bragging about vietnamese shrimp industries but you forget to mention those shrimp seed are smugled from indonesia, btw we don't need TPP to grow our economy
We need action and proof
And i hope vietnam will not smugled shrimp seed from indonesia into vietnam, and start importing it legally
Lol, you joined in defence forum but don't undertand the meaning of si vis pacem para bellum that translate "if you want peace, prepare for war", are you serious!!??
It depents on vietnamese govt specification and needs, indonesia produce diesel bus, electric bus and double decker bus.
In this link you can see sample of indonesian made electric bus
Vietnam beri sinyal impor bus dari Indonesia http://tz.ucweb.com/3_2qiFf
Vietnam will import bus from indonesia :)
Good business for both indonesia and Vietnam, vietnam can pay it with cheap rice
As long beneviting indonesia, we don't care where we are gonna purchase or co develop weaponry, China, USA, Europe, Russia, Turkey, South Korea heck even the Israely as long beneviting us, china are okay, so does turkey, win win i may say
Jangan patah hati ya kalau tiba2 lundin launching klewang 2, nanti baper kaya pas kemenhan tanda tangan kontrak Su-35 lagi lo, udalah ga usah pake dialek melayu, kita semua tau ko lo false flagger...... See u engkoh wkwkwkwk
The Boeing 737 are an air and maritime surveilance plane