Look religion is just a tool for leaders to help them reach there goals. I say this as a Muslim.
I can't change the way you think but it's ok. Just stfu and leave this forum.
You truly are a sociopath. Just know the second you tell people that you are Turkish you will become inferior in there eyes in your country. Doesn't matter how white or blond you are.
I actually knew what he meant but i was looking for a confirmation from him. He is basically a troll who wants to divide turkey as much as possible. His accusations are based upon nothing.
It is very hard to keep calm if you see you're own people being killed in such a horrible inhumane way. We should definitely change tactics and kill them with armed UAF's, F-16's and heavy artillery. If Assad tries to bring our air forces down(which I doubt he will do) we can neutralize all...
We should burn al bab tot the ground. Kill everyone and everything. This is utter bullshit, the civilians should run or face death from above. Demoralize the Isis scum by destroying everything they have. **** all the civilians who stay in Isis held area's. they can all die.
Ffs man.