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  1. T

    Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

    Listen Im not going back. There was a key post I responded to that was an attack on India. If you ever read my posts, I spend most of my time highlighting issues that are swept away. People are getting wise, thats why they are getting annoyed. YOu simpy don;t know the groung realities over...
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    India decides to fight back aggressive China

    Yeah Ashoka did create his empire which encompassed all of present day Indian and more. Whats your point. There was no democracy back then just like there was no communism back then in CHina. Both countries have been rule dby kings for centuries. The term India is a corruption of the word...
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    Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

    I never did, but when you attack someone;s country it becomes personal. Anyway, lets move on.
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    Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

    The country needs a REVOLUTION and not just protests, but they do help. If the ppl continues protesting like the way we did under the BRitish, govt would change. They would heed to the ppl;s demands. We cannot do this without govt, we just nee effective goverance. There is a huge difference...
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    Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

    Actually I am grateful to a degree when it comes to their concern and preaching because it pshes the Indian govt to act a lot faster.
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    Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

    You wrote a lot of stuff. You seem bipolar. I responded to one particular post. You act like rapes don;t occur in your part of the world? Did you see the protests? It means ppl have learned and tired of this BS. You think ppl don;t know what to do? We elect officials who don;t ****. Ask...
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    Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

    Yup sure looks like it in the picture. I suspect there is a real breakdown in the family structure in India. This can only happen when there is a culture being developed that makes this seem as if it is okay to do. They and others who commit such crimes are not afraid and that is the most...
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    Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

    Listen India is the world's largest Democracy but it needs to get nudge every so often in order to make those incompetent netas work diligenlty, efficiently, etc. By doing so, it helps to bring Indians together and motivate the Indian govt to take action. As we all they do very little only...
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    Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

    Im not checking crap. I responded to one particular post you put up. Watch your words junkie
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    Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

    Feelings hurt? Think twice before you spew your garbage Is this really them? Wow I was expecting some old men. Its nuts, these guys don;t have nothing on the past generations who were made of a different metal.
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    India decides to fight back aggressive China

    Yeah there was an India in Human History. Under King Ashoka he united an India that stretched from Burma to Afghanistan.
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    India decides to fight back aggressive China

    Listen if you have a legit claim you don;t go to war for it. How far back you want to go back on these claims. Why go only 100 yrs why not 2000 yrs? its more favorable to us. Tibet wasn;t a part of China either but it is now. With all the facts you presented, you realize it was in India's...
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    This is why I support Maoists. I always want change to come from within. But quite frankly it is going nowhere. Sure after protesting, it will make a lil headway but not much. Our netas are too corrupt and only care about filling their pockets and stashing it away. Just ask yourself why are they...
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    Looks like Koovie is right. We all know it in Kerala who is really responisble. Sorry guys but its mostly outsiders, not malus. If it was me I would stoned him
  15. T

    India decides to fight back aggressive China

    Does China have any rea factual claims to back up its hold of Akshai Chin, AP and Sikkim? Does it really? I mean Akshai Chin was given by Pakistan to China during the war. It is very strategic for China therefore it is in our best interest to keep a hold on it. Sikkim and AP, with regard to the...
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    Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

    I agree bro, this is f-king ridicuous. INdia needs a complete re haul in terms of govt. Im voting for Modi or Nitish. He may not be the best, but at least I have seen some serious change with them. I know ppl don;t like it but I think Modi will take that opportunity to make Inda great. He is...
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    Army to get 3G anti-tank missiles to match China

    Yeah right after you stole Western tech, analyzed it and then designed your own using that as a blueprint. Right buddy
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    Yeah what goes on,I would like to know? I heard of some incidents on the bus, I think its called eve teasing but all of India it becoming more menacing and dangerous. I wont even allow my sister to tavel alone. And if something happened, I promise you I would go on a killing spree. Kerala is...
  19. T


    Yeah koovie I saw many of them on my last trip. We need to start educating our women of the dangers and train them in Kalari. I heard crime shot up In Kerala as a result. I dont think they are all bad though, jsut a few bad apples here and there.
  20. T

    Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

    Im dont support Castration at all. Rapes, Gang rapes and sex slavery is destroying us and they crimes against humanity. We need to give anyone involved with such crimes the death, and a cruel at that. I want them tortured so they never ever prey on a innocent girl/woman ever again. If they don;t...
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