NEVER NEVER NEVER give ultimatums unless you can back it up with threats which can be backed up with force.
India is definitely no sharp poker player. It got a lousy hand, shows all its cards and yells "raise!" before the betting begins.
Fat chance. The possibility of winning the suit is next to nil. These people will never see a dime.
If a sovereign state can be sued, the might US will be broke.
This decision was made by a court of a country that has no jurisdiction over SA.
The Americans are getting more and more stupid each day.
@Mike_Brando ^^^ I wouldn't call the posters on Hindustaintimes buffoons. After all, these are your countrymen. At least Hindustan Times is much much much more reliable than say India Times?
@Mike_Brando ^^ That is a good question.
I can only base on the good Indian commentators on Hindustaintimes said. After all these are your countrymen. Are you telling me that your countrymen were lying?
Cold and calculated is preferred over running high on emotion when handling international affairs.
Only knuckleheads would burn flags and effigies. Civilized people sit down and talk.
My suggestion to the Indian posters here, read the comment section of the The commentators there have more sense than the Indians here on pdf.
Reading the comments makes me feel India still has hope.
I like your analogy.
Exactly. It is dangerous to handle international affairs with emotions. It is even more foolish to give ultimatums which India doesn't have anything to back it up with.
Release her or else. Or else what?
Oh My Gawd. The Indians have no concept of law and order. And India is a free democratic country. What a joke?
The US embassy stuff did not break any LOCAL laws in paying its servants who work in the country the embassy is serving.
This Indian woman broke the LOCAL laws, the minimum wage laws...
@bolo ^^ Without Sun Yat Sen's contributions and efforts, you will be still sucking the Jap's dicks. Talk about ungratefulness. Now you suck dicks for anyone who gives you benefits.
I thought the Japs were good in changing history. Now we have a new winner from China.
Like I said, why don't...
@bolo ^^^ I remember seeing SYS's enlarged portraits hanging prominently during your national day celebration. May be you should ask your government why SYS deserved such honours. I also believe there are many sites in China commemorating SYS.
At least the present government of the older...