You are kidding right? What good is it when all those responsible were either dead or retired?
It's no difference from telling your wife you humped her best friend on your death bed.
Would you call it honest? Forthcoming? I think not.
Nah The US is not forthcoming with its nuclear mishaps at all. This incident was not disclosed for many years. In fact it was classified. Click on the link and read about it. Similar incidents happened twice at least on the book.
Goldsboro nuclear accident declassified document: U.S. nearly...
@INDIC Interesting you would ask such a question. You drew yourself a circle and that's you are confined in that circle. You put your self in a box with out openings and that;s is your world. To you, anyone who read Chinese must be Chinese. You have no idea how many people other than Chinese...
I will jump in. I haven't gone through all the postings - it's too much to read in one sitting. I don't know if this fine point has been covered.
LCD TV and LED TV are the same using LCD screen. The so called LED TV only pertains to LED backlit. The display itself is still LCD. A LCD TV uses...
OK I will bite just this once.
Sitting cross-legged is not solely a yoga posture. Many people in many cultures sit cross-legged even today. In the old days, not too many people had chairs or could afford chairs or too inconvenient to carry chairs around (if you are mobile constantly like the...
Christianity is a good religion? That is the joke of the year and it is only January.
Ask any native Canadians or aboriginal Australians, they will tell you how good Christians are!!!!
Have you heard of residential schools? NO? Then you are an idiot by saying Christianity is a good religion...
The only thing I give credit to India is yoga.
The India Buddhism is so primitive, that even the Indians themselves don't practice it except a small number (less than 1%). Buddhism is even a stated sanctioned religion??
As to Ch'an was derived from Dhayana, I don't think people give much...
That's why the modern countries in the west are non secular, and more westerners are non believers. Even the Italians are going to church less frequent.
The westerners have finally waken up. Only the sheeples like you is blowing the trumpets for the Christians.
The reason why Christianity is popular in development countries, and less and less so in most of the developed countries is Christianity is a lazy religion. You don;t have to do much about your inner self except may be going to church once a week, putting a few coins in the collection plate...
Inequality is a necessary "evil" under any political system or ideology. To start, promote and run a business enterprise, one needs capital. If everybody has more or less the same amount of wealth,
1. nobody would be motivated to start a business if everybody have enough to live comfortably
@grandmaster What you said is complete and total horse poo. Who is this "every westerner Buddhists" that you are talking about? Have you talked to this "every westerner Buddhists "? Anyone who study Ch'an knows the origin of Ch'an, that's China. And 六祖 慧能 was the Chinese Ch'an master. You make...
There is some truth to the OP if there is a major earthquake happens around Mumbai (I hope not).
It is called liquefaction. Soil liquefaction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The city Richmond in British Columbia is built on marsh land. It is predicted if and when the major earthquake...
@INDIC If what you said is true (which is not), people will be flocking to India to learn Ch'an. But they don't. These people go to China, Japan and Korea instead. The Buddhism of Thai, Viet, Cambodia is the lower form of Buddhism which came from India.
All the Zen writing, Koan (公案) were in...
Seriously, who would want to CONVERT to Hinduism? NOBODY.
Indian Buddhism is a derivative of Hinduism. Without the Sino-ization (Tao-ization) of Buddhism to Zen (Ch'an), Buddhism would go the way of Hinduism which would be confined only to the sun-continent.
Hinduism just goes against human...