Let the pinoys scurrying around like roaches.
The Vietminhs drinking their cow urine.
The Japs have their hentai, manga schoolgirls, soiled girl panties.
Granted. The Zumwalt is a $$$$$$3.bbbbbbbbbbillion toy. what good is it if it is just a marker of the US's might?
Will the US send the Zumwalt to the Ukrine conflict? No. Because it is just a toy.
Did I say it is useless?
Please please quote me.
Most countries could whip up a boat like zumwalt for say 1/2 a billion bucks without all those bells and whistles. One could have SIX boats for that price.
Indian will be partitioned, ren·o·vated into a 4 bedrooms with jacuzzis and walkin closets and whatnots.
In the end, India will be be a typical house in Vancouver.
A ghetto is a ghetto. It doesn't matter how you look at it.
Team America is like sun sets. It's beautiful, but no more, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon.