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  1. armchairPrivate

    Leave History to Historians Not Politicians

    Who are these historians? It's always been the winners who wrote history.
  2. armchairPrivate

    Kansas shooter: "If Jews can have a state of their own, why can't we have a White Christian state?"

    Sure the whites can have their own state - it is called the disney world or the lalaland.
  3. armchairPrivate

    Official: India Will Need To Hike Defense Spending by 30%

    I guess the corrupt officials need a raise considering the inflation such as the price of onions and all that.
  4. armchairPrivate

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    I called my toilet INDIA. Every time I flush, I say "G'bye cruel world."
  5. armchairPrivate

    China warns Philippines, Japan: ‘We won’t compromise on territory’

    AND CHINA WON'T. Let the pinoys scurrying around like roaches. The Vietminhs drinking their cow urine. The Japs have their hentai, manga schoolgirls, soiled girl panties.
  6. armchairPrivate

    US Navy christens huge $3 billion destroyer ship USS Zumwalt that appears as a fishing boat on enemy

    Granted. The Zumwalt is a $$$$$$3.bbbbbbbbbbillion toy. what good is it if it is just a marker of the US's might? Will the US send the Zumwalt to the Ukrine conflict? No. Because it is just a toy.
  7. armchairPrivate

    US Navy christens huge $3 billion destroyer ship USS Zumwalt that appears as a fishing boat on enemy

    Did I say it is useless? Please please quote me. Most countries could whip up a boat like zumwalt for say 1/2 a billion bucks without all those bells and whistles. One could have SIX boats for that price.
  8. armchairPrivate

    India will be partitioned if Modi comes to power: Arshad Madani

    From where I stand, India is is in peculiar situation.
  9. armchairPrivate

    US Navy christens huge $3 billion destroyer ship USS Zumwalt that appears as a fishing boat on enemy

    No You don't oldman. A boat is just a tool. A Colt 45 is as good as a Lugar. It is the WILL that counts.
  10. armchairPrivate

    What to do in a nuclear bomb blast near your place and you survive?

    what-to-do-in-a-nuclear-bomb-blast-near-your-place-and-you-survive? eat, sleep and jack off.
  11. armchairPrivate

    India will be partitioned if Modi comes to power: Arshad Madani

    Indian will be partitioned, ren·o·vated into a 4 bedrooms with jacuzzis and walkin closets and whatnots. In the end, India will be be a typical house in Vancouver.
  12. armchairPrivate

    Why is Japan building up its Navy?

    I don't think you are Satire? Humour? Do you know anything other than putting your square peg in a round hole?
  13. armchairPrivate

    Vietnam Economy Forum

    Send more Vietminh women China. The Chinese are horny.
  14. armchairPrivate

    Team USA

    Have you heard of putting a frog in a water and turning up the heat grad·u·al·ly? You won't feel a thing. It will be a painless death.
  15. armchairPrivate

    Won't tolerate Chinese incursion or Pakistani infiltration: Rajnath

    India is a democratic country. The Chinese can pitch their tents wherever they want. It is spring!!!!!!!
  16. armchairPrivate

    Kaveri engine will not power Tejas MK-1 nor AMCA

    That way it is going, the kaveri or whatever won't power my tablet.
  17. armchairPrivate

    Putins' Lies, Exposed !

    Putin exposed!!!!!!!
  18. armchairPrivate

    Team USA

    A ghetto is a ghetto. It doesn't matter how you look at it. Team America is like sun sets. It's beautiful, but no more, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon.
  19. armchairPrivate

    Team USA

    I once had a V8 Mercury Cougar with those unique tail flashing lights. That's something. Those were the days. sigh
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