We are in paksitan not in india my friend maybe in your country they do this to pleased their people we have great forces and we love them no doubt they did great job included our agencies there are thusand example in pakistan Raw agent killing innocent people which is cowerd though never mind...
Well thats alright my frind if u attack somone with harsh words who dont even make sense to peoole what would u accept to other anyway live in peace and enjoy life
Afcorse this thread gona disapointed u becaz they were belong to u if someone show raw people reall face and them stupid work against paksitan and innocent people thats what pleased u people but remember one thing our media is not like your media who is always keep crying about pakistan and our...
Grow up all right u should't on pak defance then mr what ever u are we here to talk this is not a dating site u should know that and u know what dont worry about us we are already doin our best think about ur self u may need help ;)
O really so u mean ur media is messed up well if ur media is like that who work in media they belong to your country dont they so if they are lieing or somthing u should worry about other people becaz all of u in the same place if u dont give a fook so nobody care about what u think if u talk...
Hafiz is fool wow u think u r intelligent who dont even know ur indian govt start shaking if somone say Hifz is coming ;)u guys are really funny people enjoy your self in dark world:p