I can see some people are dieing with thire nasty opinions anyway good luck pak keep goin like that we all with yeh pissed of hatters and speek english learn some manners on forgion page
Well what i found here you guys are just taking the piss becaz you people are empty inside and you are doing best to show your self like an stinky mug in your world did yeh got it
Wow u cant face truth if someone told yeh about u guys then u start acting like u dont know whats goin on u need english language classis mate and some patient drink for yeh;)
That is not pakistani way i'm sure u forgot this is actully indian way cat in glass look like tiger we are lion and lion dont have to show himself they just look what they are so u guys stop talking about your country this is pak army page remember
I know it does't make sense to u how it could be anyway i told u already cheacked up on google u will find alots stuff hope that will inoff for u and yeh i dont know how to put that faking link here