you are a false flagger , you are not even an american. your english doesn't even match with the elementary school grade.remember a crow can't be a peacock like a sai baba can't be the uncle sam you indian troll.
This is another hannan shah pure bs. for cheap politics they can say anything or lick their own shits. like bal chira atti banmu pore hate bechmu . these political scums r good for nothing except trollnig and blah blah blah blah in the latenight tv shows.without any defence plan they will do...
Gussah kiu karte raho umaro jan :D ,my lungi is hardly tiedup. even the telengana movement if for a new state shows how unstable you are ! 2nd bd has no movement like those. ulfa naga dropping theirs rifes not their kukris.whenever they will get a chanche they will circumsation you.finaly...
LOL it was a good comment. according to the psysics law it can INDIA is trying hard make itself from nuclear to the atomic as we see the separatist telengana state ,the ulfa, naga, kashmir :D
LOL it was a good comment. according to the psysics law it can INDIA is trying hard...
bd army is more influenced by the china and its correct india helped a lot in the year of 1971 liberation war, but after 71 rest of the indian history is a torture history.killing innocent ppl along with the borders make already the defence force mad to the india and the BSF.this is irreplaceble...
It's not like that actualy. Only the money was not a fact here but the contribution of peace too . india is also a big partner in UN peace keeping . do you rly think your country send them for the money only? well its good job sending troops for the peace. congrad pakistan ,india,nepal and...
giving you and example. before first gulf war the news paper make a rank that the mighty iraq is the no.4 superpower and the saddam's army is more powerful than the gog magog. astagfirulla after the qualition force attack iraq we all know what happend. the 4th most powerful amry runaway like a...
you are most welcome :)
hi5 . they r dreaming armchair generals bite potato chips and think that the rise of the nazi's haha . well done bro i agree with you .
dude i live in a real world not in dream. yak -130 purchase doesnt mean yr getting su 30 next.what is your point base on it? 2nd next goverment will not continue with the russians like BNP will go to the beijing. so probabbly we always trolled of ***** jf17 is the next inventory for the BD...
this thred is dead becos su-27 purchase deal has been cancelled . hasina is buying only trainer yak-130, and what shall the airforce will do by advance 4th generation training when there is no fighter . well its like yr a formula one driver and u have no car so u drive the tempu( bgi f-7). 2nd...
lol dude poor n riches r everywhere and you are a simple racist. bangladesh doesnt mean i have a less brain than you. mostly you dont make no sense kiddo. we had 2 ways eighter we follow north korea or malaysia. we chose malaysia . so we cutt off the army budget and invest more in human need...
lmao who makes you lt. genaral? do u have any idea about the army matters? global firepower is a site made for the kids who watches youtube weird videos. bs ranking.all nuclear power is top rest r nothing.doesnt matter u have 10000 MBT ;)and well yr a flase flagger :), i dont need to use uncle...
just ignore that troll .the arabs thinks they r so superior actualy they r so inferior and one small israel take care of them like a daddy .:) turkey and egypt is more powerful than even pakistan? haha trolls how a nuclear power pakistan can be lower than egypt or turkey.once i saw a video on...
yea bro i understand you! but abahoni mohamedan doesnt represent us anymore, as far as i know cricket is more improved and international for us.well its thier problem too i guess cos ignorance has no excuse. we are doing better
Your opinion make no sense .btw there is no north korea in your list .its a nuclear power and u missed it . all the nuclear powered countries must in top. rest can eat ham burgers and watch english premier league :)
It is a complete troll ranking .only those who watches youtube weird videos believe hat egypt is 11 in rank nad england is 16 haha. england is a neuclear power ,veto capable american's no.1 allied is 16? how old r u dude? well even luxemburg is stronger than the egypt cos its a NATO.