Israel is a big joke they cant even attack a little group without US s permission but still they threaten everyone in the region. What pathetic creatures
سلام خدمت دوستان . مشکل ملت ما اینه که جووگیرن اقا جووگیر . کافیه فقط بگن یک فیلم مربوط به ایرانه چنان میرن میبینن و میخرن رایت میکنن تعریف میکنن که اصلا ادم حالش بهم میخوره. من خودم کالکشن فیلم دارم اما فیلمای ارگو و 300 رو به هیچ وجه توش نذاشتم هرکی هم میگه میگم من نه این فیلما رو دیدم نه...
hezbollah is not a group hezbollah is a philosophy . and ofcourse you name anyone who doesn't kiss israeel s a$$ a terrorist. real terrorists are those who beheaded a 3 years old kid only because she was shia . these nonsense news are all pure BS. hezbollah alone is stronger than the whole arab...
and still you call us conspiracy theory supporters. i don't know why it is so strange when someone inside iran support its government.let me tell you , you have no idea what is going on in iran. based on your knowledge about iran more than 40 m people are mercenaries
as i see you have no respect for anything related to iran even iran itself. i wish you'll change your flag soon. that's probably the best thing you can do in this situation.
mass execution ? rape ? are you talking about iran ? you better stop kissing turks a$$ s . you are even betraying your own country and you defend human rights ? of course this human right is BS . where was human right when sadam used chemical weapons? where was human rights when 300 iranians...
wether you like it or not today iran is being ruled by those who value something called morality . human right is some BS that US and UK invented for hiding their real face. no one knows what is going on inside iran except those who live inside this country. internet is full of these BS s about...
let the show begin. i guess US will use its traditional way of fighting russia ... supporting rebels. we shall see a few groups of rebels getting united in the upcoming days against russia