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  1. spiderkiller

    Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

    The intruders got what they deserve. Hell s gate is crowded as f@&$.
  2. spiderkiller

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    i think the supporters of ISIS have come to realization that ISIS has not the capability to stay in ramadi and fallujah in iraq so they're trying to do what they've been doing for the last 2 years. retreating from one front and open another. ISIS is probably gonna use a lot of manpower for the...
  3. spiderkiller

    What you think about this picture

    the real question is , is he willing to work as a part of pakistan s central government ? i mean isn't he going to make some troubles about independent baluchistan ? those who live in london only bring the worst to this region if you know what i mean.
  4. spiderkiller

    Return of 175 martyr divers agitates grievous memories in Iran

    dude you just accused those who criticized the way of these operations of being rootless anti-basiji taghooties. ( one of them was me) how do you expect me to react?
  5. spiderkiller

    Return of 175 martyr divers agitates grievous memories in Iran

    Yeah your typical answer. Didnt expect anything more.
  6. spiderkiller

    Return of 175 martyr divers agitates grievous memories in Iran

    who the hell are you to judge? lots of us are more basiji and irani than you. i know a few people like you. you just show yourself when everything is calm and secure the moment something happens you just disappear until the end of the crisis. it was because of cowards like you that we lost so...
  7. spiderkiller

    Return of 175 martyr divers agitates grievous memories in Iran

    R.I.P to all our martyrs but this catastrophe could have been prevented. don't try to hide the truth behind emotions. i want answers. we want answers.
  8. spiderkiller

    8 Iranian border guards killed by terrorists 50 kms from the Pakistani border

    is pakistan still a country ? looks like they have absolutely no control over their borders with iran , afgh and india.
  9. spiderkiller

    IRIAF | News and Discussions

    @Indos dude at least use google.com
  10. spiderkiller

    'Kill our pilot and we'll execute ALL your prisoners': Jordan 'says it will hang its ISIS captives'

    nonsense is in some peoples nature. im not in the mood of arguing with you about some facts that you don't want to even consider but anyway think the way you want. most people are born to live and die in darkness.
  11. spiderkiller

    'Kill our pilot and we'll execute ALL your prisoners': Jordan 'says it will hang its ISIS captives'

    they are the supply line of isis. you expect them to cut their own lines?
  12. spiderkiller

    'Kill our pilot and we'll execute ALL your prisoners': Jordan 'says it will hang its ISIS captives'

    isis doesn't care if they're gonna kill the prisoners or not they're only looking for a way to negotiate this way they can show themselves to the world as a real country. jordan is playing exactly how isis wants. they're idiots. the pilot is already dead he died when he ejected from the plane.
  13. spiderkiller

    Arab military entities top forces

    syrian army was one of my favorites they were very capable and this why they're still holding strong in some fronts after 4 years of urban war. such crisis could easily vanish other arab armies. but by far i see hezbollah the most capable arab militia. confidence my friend is not a very good...
  14. spiderkiller

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    majority of the militias in south like dar'a or quneitra have a lot of potential to join al nusra. they have extreme beliefs and by no means they are like the FSA fighters in north and aleppo. the only place i can say FSA is still a little powerful is around aleppo and damascus. others are just...
  15. spiderkiller

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    @Dr.Thrax you really think FSA has any power in syria ? even if asad s regime falls there will be no freedom in syria. half of the country is ruled by isis. the other militias are al nusra and jeish al islam . no one better than assad is coming for syria and sir if you do not get that then...
  16. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    سلام دوستان. یک سوال دارم اگه کسی میدونه بهم بگه ممنون میشم. من امسال تابستون شهریور فارغ التحصیل میشم بدون پشت کنکور بودن هم رفتن دانشگاه الان چقدر از تابستون فرصت دارم دفترچه پست کنم ؟ جریان اون یک سال معافیت تحصیلی که میگن چیه ؟ ممنون.
  17. spiderkiller

    Hezbollah retaliates by targeting Israeli military convoy, at least 2 killed

    why are you fooling yourself ? nusra is the ground force of israel in syria. only retards won't accept it.
  18. spiderkiller

    Iranian RQ-170 Real or Fake ?

    mod edit ? @Serpentine is it new or something ? the last time i recall mods didn't edit posts
  19. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    داداش کدوم ایلوژن منظورته ؟ اگه یک همچین چیزی حقیقت داشته باشه که دیگه کلا هرگونه اقدام مستقیم نظامی از طرف امریکا و اسراییل کلا منتفی میشه. البته من هنوز نسبت به این اعلام حس مثبتی ندارم.
  20. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    اخه اعلام یک همچین چیزی که میتونه کلا شرایط نظامی ایران رو عوض کنه درست قبل از اخرین و حساس ترین دور مذاکرات بهانه دست دو طرف میده که بگن سپاه عامل به موفقیت نرسیدن مذاکرات بود. اینا که از اول قرار نبود توافق کنن الان به راحتی همه چیز میوفته گردن نیرو های مسلح. همچنین به حرفای اقای عراق چی قبل...
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