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  1. timberwolf

    Work for Defence.pk website

    Yup, truly professional .
  2. timberwolf

    PAF Vintage Pictures remade!

    Amazing work Najam . Man, I really want to know this trick. Do u somehow manually brush colors into objects ? I have a couple of planes waiting to get there painting done but i just cant figure out how to color black n white. Perhaps i should search for some tutorials over the net .
  3. timberwolf

    An example of Pak-China friendship - Wall Graffiti

    Ba-Zhong-You-___-Wan-Sui Pak-China-Friendship-____-10,000-Years. Dont know what the missed character is for ! Live , may be .
  4. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    I'll try to add double BVR and i removed that LDP cuz' it hindered the view of LGBs. Any way, u r welcome . I have heard abt 3d max , will try that one out.
  5. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    Click here for more .
  6. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    It would be just as Mark Sein said, Thunder would evolve to be the eastern Gripen.. Thanx for ur input Munir. I m working on those lines now .
  7. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    Double post
  8. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    yeah, that blurring was because i wanted to desaturate the cft a bit but by mistake i selected blur tool instead of sponge tool, later forgot to undo . lol . I also thought at first that lgb and missiles are lill bigger, but then i thought that thunder is a small plane, so may be in reality...
  9. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    3d camera match ... ? i dont know what that is . i only work with photoshop . Thanx mate ..
  10. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    Block II Jf-17 c
  11. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    Good work bro. World of 3d sure is limitless . :tup:
  12. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    Let me know of ur Views Guys. :enjoy:
  13. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    Armed No. 26 sq Jf-17 in desert camo , and a wall paper. Hi-Res
  14. timberwolf

    Photoshops and CGIs

    Original link:enjoy:
  15. timberwolf

    Iranian made Cobra

    Exactly what i was thinking. they've got no EO/IR sensors ???
  16. timberwolf

    Chinese version of Predator and copy of AC130 gunship

    ^^ Noodle Powered Engine .. lolz .. this was a good one
  17. timberwolf

    New Version of JF-17 (JF-18)

    Sure it is PS. But i was wondering how come some one posted it on Wiki in JF-17 article !
  18. timberwolf

    New Version of JF-17 (JF-18)

    Good idea, but here JF-18 is under discussion not JF-17 and this thread is YEARS old.
  19. timberwolf

    New Version of JF-17 (JF-18)

    * '''JF-18''' - upgraded variant of the JF-17 incorporating features like [[IRST]], in-flight refuelling, [[conformal fuel tanks]], redesigned canopy, under-chin hardpoint, and more. Several photos of the JF-18 in taxi tests have already been...
  20. timberwolf


    I read somewhere that in extreme cold like Siachen, G-3 does not work . That's why PA troops are issued AK-47's when posted at Siachen . ? But why G-3 fail and Ak-47 work, as it is said that G-3 is also an extremely reliable rifle. ???
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