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  1. Q

    U.S. Government Contractor Embedded Software in Apps to Track Phones

    smartphones are smart spies. camera for situational awareness. mic for signal processing. connectivity for data transfer.
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    Lebanon's government resigns after Beirut explosion

    if israel was not created then you think the middle east suffered from all this. who has shown you all the middle east included in their map what Mossad was doing in Saudi Arabia (when dismantled by ISI of Pakistan) what was israel doing in the India and Kashmir in feb 2019 who destroy Iraq's...
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    Lebanon's government resigns after Beirut explosion

    Bangladesh was created by our incompetent selves or indo-Russian nexus did this for the sake of humanity.
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    Featured Six French tourists among eight killed by gunmen in Niger

    if I am or anyone else is poor then how one can purchase the gun and ammo get training and ready to fight without going to work. if you fight for your country as a soldier, country provides you food, guns, ammo, training, and retirement plan with taxpayers money. if you fight for terrorists as a...
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    Featured Six French tourists among eight killed by gunmen in Niger

    nop its dual-use (terrorist) assets. openly you condemn them, secretly you support them. (because dual-use asset are poor chaps and they need support, money, and training from elite forces)
  6. Q

    Lebanon's government resigns after Beirut explosion

    read this maybe it will help you understand international politics. The African continent is divided into many countries, ((just like every 3rd world nation) than more division in the name politics. politics leads to corruption, power, greed. freedom lovers begin to fight the government. than...
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    Featured Six French tourists among eight killed by gunmen in Niger

    The African continent is divided into many countries, ((just like every 3rd world nation) than more division in the name politics. politics leads to corruption, power, greed. freedom lovers begin to fight the government. than ngo, world bank, top 5, media house came to worsen the situation in...
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    Incredible gesture by an Indian family for the mother

    brainless excuses, brainless answer (what a strange mind you have)
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    Lebanon's government resigns after Beirut explosion

    why israel successful in the containment of Arab world and failed to contain Pakistan multiply times
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    Incredible gesture by an Indian family for the mother

    we wax the Abhinandhan so the next generations see the resolve and peace of Pakistan. you should also love Pakistan because of the peace-loving nature of Pakistanis.we release your top pilot because we know the information we get out of him is worthless and useless.
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    Incredible gesture by an Indian family for the mother

    lovely gesture ??? mankind is humiliated by your comment.
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    Incredible gesture by an Indian family for the mother

    this is exactly how the Hinduism started (they make an idol of there loved ones than they start worshiping them) the only difference is wax vs stone.
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    Has KSA chosen a side?

    man if every country choose his interest first then who will protect the innocent from evil.(understand it please: Kashmir is suffered due to this pandemic)
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    Desert Storm - The Air War

    that secret weapon is called a secret intelligence agency. that will gives advanced information on the strategy of the enemy. so you engage them comfortably and plan your moves ahead. that strategy was also shown on feb 19 to india its called (YOU NEVER SURPRISE US) israel also had this weapon...
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    Desert Storm - The Air War

    now compare your statement in contrast with israel vs arab war.(tiny israel vs allied forces of arab) do you think israel was more advance than Arab and employ tactics that are not known to the world at that arab israel war.
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    Desert Storm - The Air War

    nop man its smart people with a smart strategy with smart employment. israel has a secret weapon with them in war just like Pakistan does. nonother Muslim country had that caliber of weapon. guess it
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    Desert Storm - The Air War

    you are absolutely right.Khalid bin Waleed vs Persian empire 30000 vs 300000. The current generation needs a good history lesson to learn.
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    Desert Storm - The Air War

    now compare your statement in contrast with israel vs arab war.(tiny israel vs allied forces of arab) do you think israel was more advance than Arab and employ tactics that are not known to the world at that arab israel war. mature me on this argument plz.
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    Desert Storm - The Air War

    i am saying and you are imploying:no air kill by iraqi fighter pilot what so ever (sam is a defence system) right than what about 2nd usa vs iraq war (more pathetic than 1st one)
  20. Q

    Has KSA chosen a side?

    house of saud will be the first who pay tribute to dajjal than every other dollar economy will follow.
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