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    India DEMANDS Pakistan release pilot as Kashmir crisis intensifies

    "... India's reasoning...", hain? You think Indians have reasoning ability? Strange. Modi head is full of shit where reasoning stops working. So are most of Indians. You are welcome to follow Modi and his gang by filling your head with shit. We don't.
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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Only Indians believe in killing 300 jihadis (to hide their shame and desperation) and no one in world really believes in that absurd claim. Pakistani as well as international media has free access to the target area. Not even a single human casualty reported. If Indians had killed 300...
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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    "But still I am satisfied as modi taught the mullahs of Pakistan that he can do a Carnage in their jihadi camps there also not just Godhra" Good you still have delusions. Your 'Carnage' could do any thing except bringing humiliation to Indians. On top of that you lost three military aircraft...
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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Who claimed shooting down Pak F16? I mean government of India? If yes, provide a reference. I think it's all Indian media that trying to spread lies as usual.
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    India DEMANDS Pakistan release pilot as Kashmir crisis intensifies

    You need to request for his release and we can then negotiate for trade for Col Habib. Demanding his release is not going to work. We'll capture even more Indians because we know that sh!theaded Modi will try his stupidity certainly another time.
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    Possibility of another attack by India

    The IK government needs to tell Indians in no uncertain terms that if they hit our children (schools, religious schools, army schools, etc.), we'll then piss the shit out of Indian *** with full force without any regards to their true/false claims of terrorist training camps. They did it in APS...
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    JF-17 is now Battle Tested (Air to Air & Air to Ground)

    Oh wah, what a logic! Pure cowardice. Your blood was not shed, right. Not because Indians set the target locations into the open space. No, not at all. Indians wanted to kill innocent students in a school. It's their bad luck they missed it. But their claim of killing 300 or more terrorist was...
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    JF-17 is now Battle Tested (Air to Air & Air to Ground)

    Pak deliberately did not hit the military targets. Rather they set the targets next to the actual target installations. I don't really know why we did that. That is cowardice. And no one in world would believe that non-sense. You did prove nothing. Rather by doing that you proved your...
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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    No, it's our turn to conduct surgical strikes now on Indians. The real strikes, not fake ones like India. Guy, don't overlook this opportunity. We have hard earned this right. Now Indians will start crying here and there (London, Paris, DC, etc. etc.) and tirelessly bring the references to...
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    Indo / Pak war of 2019.....all updates

    That's how it should be. We have upper hand. Damn use it. Now that IAF has ben cowed down, this is really the time to secure our water resources, liberate our brutely oppressed brothers and sisters in occupied J&K, and secure our eastern border. We'll see how much Modi and his gang of criminals...
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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Which world? The same monkeys sitting in P-5 seats at UN? When Indians ruthlessly kill scores of innocent people including children in occupied J&K, no one reacts, moves, even talks. But when freedom fighters kill 42 of those brutal and filthy Indian animals, these monkeys sitting in P-5 seats...
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    How does Pak’s Thunder fare against contenders in Malaysia’s aircraft competition?

    Well today Thunder proved its mettle with a few loud thunders. It has become a stable, mature, effective, and reliable war machine. I am sure it has removed most of delusions from Indian brains too. Teja is no where close to Thunder at all. Only brainless idiots would show their stupidity by...
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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    That is the point. IK talked sh!tty today by offering talks to Indians prematurely. Alas our leaders are bloody stupid. Indians claim IK/Pakistan is begging for talks. They want no talks. So keep hammering them till they fall on their knees. Pakistanis need to get it in their hard khhopra that...
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    Did india just abandoned her own Pilots?

    Only Indians can tell the truth to world about their losses. If they are claiming they lost one plane and a pilot MIA, let it be. No need to make a fuss out of that.
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    #SaveAbinandhan trending on twitter ,Nation of 1.2 billion people weeping on twitter

    The source of our values is Islam. The Prophet (PBUH) captured many enemy combatants in the wars but treated them well. This Indian guy came into Pakistan to kill Pakistanis. He really deserved no mercy during the fight and should have been killed during the fight but once he became a POW, he...
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    LoC current situation

    One batch of Indian planes came in with plans to attack some targets and second one was to follow. After PAF scrambled the Indian planes released their payload (the payload/bombs flew quite a distance before touching the ground) and fled back to IoK. Indian planes were in Pak aerospace for 2...
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    What kind of options does Pakistan have for retaliation?

    After Vajpayee requested US pres.
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    What kind of options does Pakistan have for retaliation?

    Go and read it yourself and then bring the heck whatever you want to prove.
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    What kind of options does Pakistan have for retaliation?

    There is no need of proof. Indians are illegally occupying J&K in clear violation of UN resolutions. People are fighting against illegal Indian occupation. Attacking occupation forces is not a crime by any law in world. So what's the point? You'll. And you'll run to UN or USA or somewhere else...
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    What kind of options does Pakistan have for retaliation?

    For that matter we need no support from anywhere. We alone can teach a lesson to Indians. But still we have a lot of friends. You are under influence of your leaders' lies. They keep claiming Pak is completely isolated and yet about twenty leaders from different countries have visited Pakistan...
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