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  1. D

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    I see 1 issue, it's a very short range radar in both the MIG 29M2 and the AESA of the 35 compared to what radars can be put in the SU 30 and SU 35 ( 400 KM range ), other then that it's a fast aircraft with a lot of hardpoints now.
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    Egyptian Armed Forces

    So is there also a deal for MIG 29 M2, or did they mistake it for MIG 35
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    Iraqi forces take control of Fallujah entrances

    Well most local soldiers and police are Sunnis, though they are Sunnis like the Egyptian soldiers led by Sisi whom you hate.
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    Iraqi forces take control of Fallujah entrances

    The only thing needed to deal with Fallujah is cut the main roads, cut all telecommunications. Someone whom was with ISIL ( a brainwashed young guy ) said this himself during interrogation.
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    Iraqi conjoined twins succesfully operated in KSA

    Saudi Arabia has dismissed Health Minister Abdullah al-Rabeeah from his post following a worrying surge of new cases of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in the country.
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    Iraqi forces take control of Fallujah entrances

    50+ Da'ish members killed in Fallujah : Aswat Al Iraq Interior ministry reported the killing of more than 50 Da'ish members in Fallujah. The Joint Forces reported, in a statement, that 54 Da'ish members were killed, as well as destroying 6 vehicles. Since 21 December, 2013, Anbar province...
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    Iraq bought T90 MS tanks from Russia

    Russian tanks are made for Russia's needs, America for their needs. It's wrong to say that American tanks outclass Russian tanks on every category, even a simple list of comparing the T90 vs the M1A2 would prove that wrong. T90 range and endurance on it's fuel is longer, 125mm gun is superior...
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    Iraq bought T90 MS tanks from Russia

    They're not needed for conventional war which won't happen anytime soon. But T90MS with Arena and SHTORA can be good against ISIS. Iraq's Abrams lacks reactive armor and it can't deal with RPG hits. Though the US reserve Abrams are only half the price of the T90MS. Abrams have a good name, but...
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    Arabic Coffee shop

    Hunting should be declared as haram IMO, because more animals = better.
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    Iraq bought T90 MS tanks from Russia

    We will also buy T99 insallah But waiting 6 years is too long without adding more tanks K2 is too expensive
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    What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

    Iran will have a better economy & much tourism if secular & not anti west, but it depends on you're choice whether that is more important. You won't become USA's allie though like in the 70's, they want to keep the Gulfies afraid so they keep buying weapons. With the Islamic republic you can...
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    GCC Seeks To Form Military Bloc With Jordan, Morocco

    We have to brainwash them all & ban Sunni + Shia.
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    Thales to Develop Optionally Piloted Aircraft with The Quatar Armed Forces

    Thales will make it, Qatar will put their flag on it to claim they designed & built it with a little of Thales transfer of tech @Dino R. Anyway Mashallah!
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    GCC Seeks To Form Military Bloc With Jordan, Morocco

    The solution is to brainwash this filth out of his religious motivated ideologies, that would be the end of terrorism. Even a camel desert wanderer knows that.
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    Arab royal hunts down 2,100 houbara bustards in three week safari

    Don't care if you are a Vahabi or not. This here is disturbing & FILTH. Every real Pakistani would agree with me on that.
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    Arab royal hunts down 2,100 houbara bustards in three week safari

    What do you mean 'your Pakistani', those are your people you IDIOT why do you even insult your own people. I am no shi'a rafidi majoosi fireworshipper. I don't have a tribe, Wahabis & Salafis same shit for me.
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