Egypt accuses Qatar of terrorism
French ministers accuse Qatar of terrorism
Qatar sponsors jihadists in Syria and Iraq
Qatari fat emir opens Taliban office
Even GCC terrorists turn against Qatar
Various US media outlets, commentators and conservative politicians have described the...
KUWAIT (Reuters) - Qatar signalled its irritation on Tuesday with Iraq's accusation that it backed insurgents fighting Baghdad's rule, saying it was not appropriate for countries which failed to preserve national unity to accuse other Arab states of supporting "terrorism". The comments by...
I don't have any idea but I read Iraq-Turkey military attache visit/relations something on Iraqi military forum a few days ago, but not more details given. Earlier they were talking about a deal with Egypt/Iran, Iran is off since their sanctions, maybe they are looking of Turkey now also...
Theres no delay, theres Iraqi officials giving false dates of delivery while the US kept 2014 as the official date, all according to schedule*.
That coming from 'DJ elliot' who analyzes it all so, he knows better
No not for training, Korean T50 and T6 texan are for fighter pilot training
1 seat for light attack, buying new AT 6 will take years for delivery, this 2nd hand deal would allow for air attack in a few within a month which is needed.
Kuwait stresses necessity for Iraq to join GCC | Politics
Iraq’s rejected bid to join the GCC was due to “unwise” political approach, said Omani minister foreign affairs
I said in my previous...
Ministry of Defence again in Czech to buy single seat L159 2nd hand for fast delivery LAAR/CAS.
That will most likely drop the planned deal for 24 AT 6.
Besides @Yzd Khalifa
Boasting about wealth because of oil is a joke to me.
Small Lebanon is worth more then all of the GCC states in my view, a real state with history and respected people that defend their country. They don’t take it up the *** like you & hide behind America. Therefor don’t...
Iraq rejected Kuwait’s invitation.
Slaughtering Saudis and their terrorists is the current process to clean the land, even Pakistan suffers from your terrorism, almost every state does, you’re people are taught to be terrorists.
At least we have grass, without the oil you’d still be eating a...
I have no issue with you. Though you can thank Yzd khalifa for people bashing Saudi Arabia here, besides the mentally ill person is following me around on the forum quoting me insulting my country out of nowhere.
Iran has influence yes, that’s no news. However the reason for Iraq rejecting is...
Kuwaiti ministers asked Iraq to join the GCC, they have told this to the minister of defence Ad Dulaimi, this news is all over the internet a simple Google search will get it News sources say 4 out of 6 states agreed.
If Iraq begged they wouldn’t have had rejected, infact there is nothing in...