so what ? This thread about racisim aganist turks in iran . Your words proved that You are racist .I dont care what do you think about turks in iran . But if you want to speak history of turks in azerbaijan you have to speak with @gr8vision.
@ManUNITEDglory Oow thanx again You show some pran iranian bullshits that what a moron you are if you want to some reality look there .
You are little kid living with daydreams . Also thinking kets and selkups are turkic but azerbaijanis uygurs , turks are not turkic . GO KİLL...
Thanx to you that it looks you know me better than myself . :omghaha: You are İDİOT that you think selkups and kets are turkic ::rofl: Also azerbiajan and turkey turks descent of Oghuz turks .
try it :D
You say selkups and kets were not uralic ? :rofl: But turkic sakha people have 90 % N Y dna and older from uralics. Actually i think that N Y dna in turkic people came from dinling people . They were turkicised siberian people
@ManUNITEDglory I feel sorry about you :) Selkup and Kets are uralic group not turkic Also give me source about these :D
Chelkans in SIBERIA are turkic ethnic group and they have 60% of haplogroup Q
And Tuvans another Siberian Turkic group with 38% haplogroup Q
Tubalar in Siberia are turkic...
Haplogroup Q and R came from P Y dna so some turkic clans have higher Q Y dna . Turkmens in turkmenistan have only 7 % Q Y dna that mean your ideas still bullshits
and please show it Lol >> Haplogroup Q is 35 to 60% among Siberian Turkic tribes.
@ManUNITEDglory I dont understand what is your problem , look two turkic people from altai mountains :)
hazara kalmyks buryats and tajiks has nothing with turks .Uygurs were descent of Karluk turks like mostly uzbeks
Karlugh Turks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
karluks turks in...
Oke then say me how all the turkic people have higher caucosid Y dna ? Especially central asian and altai turks have 80 % caucasoid y dna what do you think about it ?
@ManUNITEDglory LoL ancient Kirghizs were pure old turkic people and part of Kıpchaks . And seljuks were not mongolid they were oghuz turks from kınık tribe . How many times we must say that Old turks were not mongolid
Wusun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ege bölgesinde halk toplu bir direniş göstermemiştir. Kuvayi milliye sayesinde ege bölgesi kurtulmuştur. Ben 3 yıl boyunca egede yaşadım . Yasadıgım süre içerisinde de o bölgenin halkıyla gerçekden bu konuları elimden geldigince konuşmaya...
Dusmanını söyle sana kim oldugunu söyleyeyim die çok güzel bir söz vardır. Yunanı gerçek anlamda kendine rakip görmek hedef küçültmekdir ben ilkokul yılları boyunca yunanı söyle denize döktük böyle denize döktük die okudum hep, evet yunan bizim rakibimiz degil...
Really im so hard laugh to you . Turks defaeat iranic after give their females ? also you eu centrist calls turks like barbarians ? hahaha :cuckoo: :omghaha: all the turkic people have different type mongolid mt dna and have older R1A AND R1B Y DNA than iranic and eu people .
@Bahoz . Mostly kurds dont understand each other , for example Konya region kurds dont understand haymana region kurds. I have many Kurdish friend also my home friend from haymana. One day we went to other kurdish friends home . Then one kurdish friend said that tanks to turkish language...
Balkar-Karachais do call themselves Alans and Ases, all their neighbors, including Ossetes, call them Alans and Ases, and nobody calls Ossetes Alans and Ases, including the Ossetes themselves.
The graph illustrates the lexical structure of the Ossetian language verbally described on page 103...