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  1. MertKaan

    PKK syrian chief executed by syrian FSA

    ahmad kasravi was real manqurt that this child has more honour than him and i know many kurdish and armenian speak turkish in iran
  2. MertKaan

    PKK syrian chief executed by syrian FSA

    HAHA i have never heard that azerbaijani called himself as persian . i know your real face like my forefathers always that they have said ACEM PLAVRASI
  3. MertKaan

    PKK syrian chief executed by syrian FSA

    kamissick is tabriz azari ..
  4. MertKaan

    PKK syrian chief executed by syrian FSA

    you know very well that kamissick is not azerbaijani turk :) who care your ethnicity we know your brainwashed by persians
  5. MertKaan

    Little Turkic Community Inside Mongolia

    who are more who are less?
  6. MertKaan

    Little Turkic Community Inside Mongolia

    i dont believe altaic language family so that altaic language family was made up by eu , yes turkic and mongolic people lived with same region but always with enmity may be mongol language influenced by turkic people or turkic language influenced by mongols .. i searched genetic origin...
  7. MertKaan

    Little Turkic Community Inside Mongolia

    we are not mongolids ;)
  8. MertKaan

    Little Turkic Community Inside Mongolia

    Bildigim kadarıyla kazakları oluşturan 12 kabileden 9 u mogol kökenlidir . Genetic olarak mogollara çok yakınken diger kıpcak türkçesi konusan türk halklarına çok uzak genetik yapıları vardır . how ? genghis khan ruled turkic people so that mongols...
  9. MertKaan

    Israeli Defense Minister: If Iran gets nuclear weapons, so will Turkey

    @kamissick is tabriz azari that she is m...n .. Fars hər nəyi də bacarmasada DİLBAZLIĞI və YALTAQLIĞI yaxşi bacarır
  10. MertKaan

    FSA threatens to kill the 48 captured Iranians within 48 hours

    lol :) remember that when iran fought aganist ıraq that isreal support iran , when ıraq fought aganist america then iran supported america now american puppet maliki and iran support butcher asad that asad dont want take back golan heights wow .. it is good that learn real faces of...
  11. MertKaan

    Mossadegh's legacy; 'Persian nationalism amongst strongest forces on earth'

    Humanity has an unstoppable drive to learn or invent where we came from. It started with inventions, and now is transitioning to learning. Linguistics was circling the subject like Mercury is circling the Sun, too hot to approach, too bright to look at. This posting offers analysis that posits...
  12. MertKaan

    Decree by Shah Ismail in Azeri Turkish discovered

    yes i have been 3 times in iran that who care what you think ? i speak about people not country :) why you persian get angry when we speak about turks in iran they were your citizen otherwise do you think iran only belong to persians ? just relax man ..
  13. MertKaan

    Decree by Shah Ismail in Azeri Turkish discovered

    still believing fairy tales ?..who are azeri people ?. turks in iran or azerbaijan never call themself as azeri or iranian always they said they were turk .. have you ever meet turk older than 90 years old in iran or azerbaijan .. they dont accept azeri name .. when we called azeri themself then...
  14. MertKaan

    Mossadegh's legacy; 'Persian nationalism amongst strongest forces on earth'

    troll they were not azeri they were turk .. lol when ahmet davutoglu arrived in tehran then he said that Next to İstanbul, Tehran is the greatest Turkish speaking city of the world.
  15. MertKaan

    Mossadegh's legacy; 'Persian nationalism amongst strongest forces on earth'

    :disagree::disagree::disagree: :tdown: are you ok ? :lol:
  16. MertKaan

    Mossadegh's legacy; 'Persian nationalism amongst strongest forces on earth'

    i just laugh to persian nationalism :no::no::no::tdown:
  17. MertKaan

    Mossadegh's legacy; 'Persian nationalism amongst strongest forces on earth'

    lol REALY YOU BELİEVE FAKE AZERİ NAME ?? please translate it :))) i dont believe that persians were real persians :D
  18. MertKaan

    Istanbul’s techno-park to make $10 bln annually

    i asked to shahin why you answer for him ?
  19. MertKaan

    Istanbul’s techno-park to make $10 bln annually

    shahin vatani what is your problem with turks ?
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