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  1. MertKaan

    Iran Armeni increase brotherly relationships

    [/URL][/IMG] :what::what::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  2. MertKaan

    Israeli-Azerbaijani alliance strengthing against Iran

    eşekle eşek olamaya gerek yok .. bence yaptıkları onların ne kadar aciz oldugunu herkese gösteriyor :) gülünecek durum tadını çıkar some racist moron works show that how they are helpless bro so no need to this thread..
  3. MertKaan

    Iran missiles in syria

    is iran foreign minster liar ?
  4. MertKaan

    Making peace with PKK, Pros and Cons!

    finansdan geçmişim :D herkese benden çay şakire yok ..:D :D :D :D :D
  5. MertKaan

    Making peace with PKK, Pros and Cons!

    Ben yiğit kişileri severim: ama iyi kılıç kullanmak yetmez, kime karşı kullanacağını da bilmeli! Çoğu kez, sesini çıkarmadan geçip gitmek daha büyük yiğitliktir; kendini daha değerli bir düşmana saklamış olursun...
  6. MertKaan

    Making peace with PKK, Pros and Cons!

    ne yani antep ve hataydan yozgat çankırı kırsehir vb sehirler daha mı iyi şaka mı bu anladım kardeşim sadece harita ve şiirin ilginç geldi kusura bakma bugünlerde türkiyede herkesin piskolojisi bozuldu bende dahil olmak üzere ..
  7. MertKaan

    Making peace with PKK, Pros and Cons!

    you said true bro but dont forget And whatever harm the evil may do, the harm of the good is the most harmful harm! Friedrich Nietzsche so no need pkk pic ;)
  8. MertKaan

    Making peace with PKK, Pros and Cons!

    toprak için, namus dan vazgeçmek gerek. PKK namus demek olsa, Turkiye toprak demektir. Turkiye icin, gerekirse, namus dan da vazgeçilmeli. < saçmal&#305;&#287;&#305;n daniskas&#305; ayr&#305;ca ne ilginç harita baya ara&#351;t&#305;rd&#305;n m&#305; bunu ki , bu resmen pkk propagandas&#305...
  9. MertKaan

    IRANIAN new fighter jet

    no no you must search your stars in this sector that they are so famous in the world :D no no you must search your stars in this sector that they are so famous in the world :D
  10. MertKaan

    We might see minorities revolting in Iran

    after this picture whats happened in iran that you know very well
  11. MertKaan

    Assasination attempt on Bulgarian-Turkish politician failed on video

    ne oldu :D http://webtv.hurriyet.com.tr/2/44228/0/1/turk-vekile-silahli-saldiri-girisimi.aspx
  12. MertKaan

    Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

    bulgars were not iranic ..lol Bulgar is an extinct language which was spoken by the Bulgars. It was a language belonging to Oghur subgroup of Turkic languages It is named for the Bulgars, a tribal association which established the Bulgar khanate, known as Old Great Bulgaria in the mid-7th...
  13. MertKaan

    IRANIAN made cheap cars in IRAQ !!!

    how are you tabrizazari :D
  14. MertKaan

    Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

    all sources showed sycthians has nothing with iranians .. yes scythian r1a in ossets :D The graph illustrates the lexical structure of the Ossetian language verbally described on page 103 of the book, but graphically profoundly missing from the Abaev's book. For a linguist Abaev to sample...
  15. MertKaan

    Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

    what do you think about it ? targon these are pure turkic words also scyhtians were turkic .. Abaev - Ossetian language and Folklore - TurkicWorld Abaev V.I. - Ossetian Language and Folklore - TurkicWorld Scythian Lexicon - TurkicWorld Alan Iranian Etymology - A.Alemany - TurkicWorld...
  16. MertKaan

    Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

    r1a and r1a came from this man altaic groups :D << this is western propaganda as eu centrism :) we dont follow them . i dont believe altaic language family mongolian numbers 1-neg 2-hoyor 3-guraw 4-doruw 5-tav 6-zurgaa 7-doloo 8-naym 9-yes 10-araw. turkic 1-bir 2-iki 3-üç 4-dört...
  17. MertKaan

    Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

    http://s155239215.onlinehome.us/turkic/60_Genetics/Klyosov2010DNK-GenealogyEn.htm Whoever reads this, is blessed with a first, real, groundbreaking treatise on Türkic genetics that has a vision equipped with professional tools and not burdened by a load of preconceived notions and institutional...
  18. MertKaan

    Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

    yes also uygurs are anatolian :D
  19. MertKaan

    Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

    C is not turkic haplogroup :) where is your proof ?
  20. MertKaan

    Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

    good joke niyazov has haplogroup P y dna that this dna of ancestor haplogroup R and Q
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