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  1. Splurgenxs

    Russia, India no longer using U.S. dollars in arms deals payments

    The dollar is here to stay and it is not because of America , it is because of our countries , or rather the countries that we trade with don't trust in our currency. This is not as non systemic as some jargon here might portray , with the flip of the switch ideas. Only way to move away from...
  2. Splurgenxs

    Talks with BJP-led India not possible, says PM Imran

    Wont happen without the deep state up everyone *** , not needed , at the moment the way Pakistan is , its better to lock each other out. Dont want people getting gangstalked. Ik has has put his eggs in one basket , not a good investment strat but , what other options does he have? America...
  3. Splurgenxs

    Shashi Tharoor Vs Vikram Sampath: Debating Heritage, History & Hubris | India Today Conclave 2021

    Yea India is so much worse for it , a name makes or breaks a country. Pakistan seems to be doing great under that glorious name, you leaders must be proud ,It completely exemplifies the state in all it glory. I mean whew , who knows what might have happened if they were more focused on other...
  4. Splurgenxs

    Indian jawans like to play Simon says in front of PLA

    The clone stamp tool is not good here. And are these guns just for weight training? No mags?
  5. Splurgenxs

    People Here Who Dabble In Crypto

    My 2 cents on investments , if its popular you missed the gravy train , stay away.
  6. Splurgenxs

    Declare India a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ and terminate nationality of Muslims & Christians, else I will take Jal Samadhi: Jagadguru Paramhans Acharya Maharaj

    Somebody needs to ensure when he does that , he has an angle weight , and no body to help him out as it will desecrate his great sacrifice. Hari Omm
  7. Splurgenxs

    Battle For Panjshir Vs Poonch Operation

    That cuz musslims are the feercest fighters.
  8. Splurgenxs

    India comes second in unicorn race in Q3

    Projections and Probabilities have an important role in everything , from Economics to Ai. Most of the time people like to hear what they agree with , that's where they fail. Desirable by what standards ? idealism , value , safety , aesthetics? Like drugs in a society is bad. general economics...
  9. Splurgenxs

    India comes second in unicorn race in Q3

    The useful ness of anything is never apparent in its inception, but R&D should always happen. one eg Quaternions . another eg : The Czochralski process. which was unused for over 50 years. People do invest based on projections on existing returns , ie - if you are making 10k what if i invest...
  10. Splurgenxs

    India comes second in unicorn race in Q3

    Rejoicing over vaporware , when will the world learn. This unicorn pºrn need to be regulated.
  11. Splurgenxs

    The most Common reason why People sell themselves for US interests.

    Western education is garbage , nothing special , same old pretentious rabble shoving there knowledge down people throat, albeit the scope of the subjects are more targeted and concise. What's different is that the infra they have invested in monopolizing the research papers and keeping them non...
  12. Splurgenxs


    Any updates on who won? The jf17 also participated here right
  13. Splurgenxs

    Aim to make India world’s biggest military power: PM Modi

    Unfortunately or fortunately all this rhetoric and counter rhetoric on PDF falls on a very few ears. roughly 1000+- Might as well be wanking one off alone in the midst of the night.
  14. Splurgenxs

    Air india sold to TATA group

    Nurtured? They pretty much donate most of there profits to charity. I think Jamshedji and Ratan were named No1 philanthropists in the world by a big margin. No clever marketing and PR here.
  15. Splurgenxs

    Pakistan passes grim milestone of 28,000 deaths from Covid-19

    What an achievement , even topnotch medical intuitions in the so called developed nations, people flock to like a bunch of delusional rabbid cattle, are no match for the Pakistani foresight ,and fact based, result oriented society and medical institutions. BRAVO keep making south asia proud.
  16. Splurgenxs

    India builds tunnels connecting Kashmir with the strategically important region of Ladakh

    Although a great feat no doubt(for commuters) , the HSR is only good for troops , no heavy armaments and eqp will move on the HSR , how is it better than airlift again ? Which is largly faster and more versatile and has better capability to take hits as Heavy lift dont even need much of a runway...
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