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  1. B

    Aamer Kiani becomes 2nd PTI leader to part ways with Imran Khan

    Thats like saying Pork is halal....lol Nawaz is not only corrupt, but is a big time traitor. Imagine Modi's plane secretly landing in lahore to visit him without governments knowledge? Nawaz is in the pockets of Modi and Indian businessmen that he openly deals with outside the country. Time...
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    NA passes Contempt of Parliament Bill with majority vote

    What contempt law does the PDM really follow in letter and spirit?? This legislation will come back to bite them, trust me. Don't insult the monkeys, please. They have more grace and dignity.
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    Aamer Kiani becomes 2nd PTI leader to part ways with Imran Khan

    Many of the so called ''long time'' friends of IK are businessmen with a lot at stake, and they are probably being threatened, you know. It won't harm PTI's vote bank atm. This is a good oppurtunity for new and young leadership to emerge.
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    What are the Prospects of PTI in the Future

    After torturing and imprisoning over 7000 workers, Banning was their last resort and it is not going to work, because no one will buy their narrative now. It will be challenged in courts and of course PTI will win. the more they try to damage PTI, the stronger and more popular it becomes...
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    Rise of Communist Party in Pakistan and Pak Army

    The current Army duffers leadership cannot even follow their own constitution, and you think they will be able to follow Communist Manifesto?? ROFL
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    Police / PDM gang captured and murdered PTI Workers in Custody

    It's not about PTI anymore, it is about pakistan army discipline that has been broken so wildly and publicly that is the most disturbing to say the least. The message that is being sent to the entire Army is extremely dangerous. ranking officers and jawans will be forced to do the dirty work...
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    PDM calls off anti-CJP sit-in outside Supreme Court

    By launching these monkey mullah bots at their own country's supreme court of pakistan to threaten the judges, what message are they sending to the world?? These rulers and military generals have completely lost it.
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    War Veteran Air Cdre Sajjad Haider insulted by islamabad police

    A country that doesn't respect it's Heros will not get new ones. Symbolic but very sad indeed. Islamabad police HAS gone down the shit hole. it is just like punjab police now the only difference is the way they speak to you slightly politely but they are involved in all illegal activities...
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    US company plans $200m pink salt facility

    Don't forget GHQ Generals are going to be taking all the cuts from this. Just like how they took over the Reko Diq project and stole all the documents, what makes you think they wont make money off this? Yes, they will keep bribing the locals and keep expanding salt extractions from the site...
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    Lieutenant General Salman Fayyaz Ghani Sacked/Resigned

    That would be the failure of the ISI as to why they're not able to keep tabs on those external elements. Shouldn't these failures be brought to light? What if the next Corps commander also refuses? Will he get sidelined as well? And if this pattern continues lets say 2 or 3 times the next few...
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    ISI like other agencies probably uses them as tools to break up religiously inclined political parties. They probably talk to everyone.
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    Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

    Same khilafat people were present in Toronto at PTI rallies. They are regular at most major muslim festivals trying to recruit ppl shamelessly. I once argued with a khilafat freak in toronto and asked him to produce all the financial details and funding of their leaders. even they dont know...
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    Why does PDM point the finger at the military after every action against PTI

    Why would they wanna admit to their vote bank that they're thieves' and barbarians?? They have a history of hiding behind controversy and claiming other's success for political milege.
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    Jinnah House Lahore is under occupation by Pakistan Army

    Wajahat khan and Dr. Moeed reported something similar. I don't believe in one source only. Perhaps your net is too slow to get info in Pakistan right now? Multiple sources are claiming that rn. They been protesting peacefully for a year now. Let me ask you a simple question, who is delaying...
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    Jinnah House Lahore is under occupation by Pakistan Army

    The process of "decolonization" has begun, i suppose. Burning down of Jinnah's house is very symbolic and has deep rooted meanings. Now the question is, if this process will go through violently or academically? I am pretty surprised that most of you so called "Lahoris" didn't know it was...
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    Jinnah House Lahore is under occupation by Pakistan Army

    Regardless violence cant be justified. But on whose orders did the soldiers fire at protestors outside? would those soldiers be tried and punished or court martialed? Pray tell me if its a Public property or Private property? What is the Army doing in the cities when it should be on borders...
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    Jinnah House Lahore is under occupation by Pakistan Army

    Am I the only one that is seeing greater symbolism in the burning of core commander generals playground that was once Jinnah's House in Lahore? The question now is that when will this Jinnah house be reclaimed by Gov't of Pakistan from the military and restored to its original status or as a...
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    India insults Pakistani FM on his maiden official tour to India for SCO Meetup

    Modi is like a larger than life Godfather that India never had after Gandhi In order to win Indians over, Bilawal will have to publicly suck his tiny winy you know what Even then Modi and gang will not be happy, cuz their entire existence relies on hating muslims and minorities
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    Will USA/Europe loose Pakistan after Saudia Arabia & Iran part ways with America/Europe

    Saudi has left USA really?? LOL Can anyone tell me how many US bases are still in Saudi and their lease terms? why have some ppl really buried their heads under saudi sand
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    PTI's rallies to express solidarity with the Supreme Court !!!

    That is very very strange that a serving Army Brigadier's wife got picked up by ISB police or is it secret service? Brigadier is like senior general officer like one star general basically before a major general if i am not mistaken. I'm sure some of these SOB ISB police will lose their jobs...
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