lol Dravidian is geographical term? its race which civilized from indus valley to deccan ranges. later moved even down for arrival of Aryans and the population grew.
Why are you talking about forefathers? irrelevant
Your ideas are true human discrimination. I'm trying to find true meaning of...
End of the Day
No one can deny dravdian's great civilization starting from indus valley before Indo-europeans migrated.
Dravdians and Aryans shared culture, language, business etc., from ancient times and prospered together no matter what. So lets take this in a positive way.
Why so much worry?
When Aryans came Dravdians were already civilized most part of India. Now consider, Aryans and Dravidian survived along for thousands of years together so lets take the optimistic part that we can prosper together unlike other ethnicity. Don't take this as divide between...
If Pakistan is so concerned about Kashmir then why don't they unleash their amazing army and capture it? Since they always claim that they are better?
Afraid much? :p:
I think these things are happening due to sexual frustrations of poor migrant workers who get exposed to modern culture when they work on construction sites at metro cities.
UAVs used to collect evidence around the spot.
The absconding duo, including the prime suspect, in the TCS employee murder case was arrested by a special team in the wee hours of Wednesday when they were fleeing by the Chennai-Howrah Mail near Kolkata. Police sources said the two were...
So if one is short, black and round then he must be South Indian? claps for you mr. :sarcastic:
Could you explain me what's this guy logic? I'm not quite getting his point of view..
haha...half baked
get some facts and try to understand why they are against Sri lanka. Because of same Dravdian parties the linguistic equality came for you people and caste discrimination was eradicated.
Try to think as Human after all..don't try to sound like cool guy by making yourself...
They can't separate tamils and Hinduism. We are one of indigenous ethnicity which helped hinduism grow throughput Asia and still retaining most of true aspects of hinduism.
The only reason for these scaled conversion are due to varna system which Brahmins introduced for their own...
I would request you to go through South Korean modern culture. Any ultra-urban south Asian can't beat an average South korean in terms of their obsession with American and white skin culture.