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  1. Mista

    Chinese withdrew $240 billion from US, Switzerland,

    疯传的图片内容真实性如何? 疯传的图片中描述了以下内容,“据华商财团内部人士消息,一月内仅华人资产从美国和瑞士分别转出760亿美元和1650亿美元!世界富豪纷纷抛弃瑞士银行,尤其中国客户,已有几百万中国富豪抛弃了瑞士某银行账号!超过2400亿美元规模的华人资产搬迁至香港和新加坡,加拿大和澳大利亚也分了一杯羹,据香港一家银行员工消息,因为近期业务太繁忙,主要是存款的人太多,他们已经停止了休假。” 图片里多处夺人耳目的感叹号煽动情绪,真相到底如何?...
  2. Mista

    Chinese withdrew $240 billion from US, Switzerland,

    There's no credible source. It's mostly 自媒体 from mainland China reporting on it, which frankly are all sensationalist. Taiwanese talk shows are also not credible.
  3. Mista

    Chinese withdrew $240 billion from US, Switzerland,

    I doubt the veracity of the report.
  4. Mista

    Chinese withdrew $240 billion from US, Switzerland,

    The drop is largely due to the devaluation of US Treasuries as interest rate rises, rather than the outright selling of US Treasuries. https://www.reuters.com/markets/asia/china-slips-away-treasuries-sticks-with-dollar-bonds-2023-02-22/
  5. Mista

    The End of Cheap Chinese Labor

    Not a bad thing for China, or any country.
  6. Mista

    Putin: China plan could end war, but Ukraine and West not ready for peace

    I don't really agree with the US here.
  7. Mista

    Putin: China plan could end war, but Ukraine and West not ready for peace

    If Putin really supports all of China's 12-point peace plan, then Russia must return all of Ukraine's territory, including Crimea. If so, then yeah, peace talks are possible. Otherwise Putin is just cherry-picking and blaming Ukraine/the West for not being 'ready'. Very first point of China's...
  8. Mista

    Chinese delegation in Moscow orders massive amount of KFC

    You guys have good KFCs? The KFCs in Singapore are pretty crap. I thought it's a KFC problem until I tried KFC in Malaysia...
  9. Mista

    Video: A glimp of Chinese version ChatGPT:ERNIE Bot. Not as good as ChatGPT but has potential

    What metric is commonly used to measure the performance of an AI model like GPT? https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1hY4y1X7Cs/
  10. Mista

    Video: A glimp of Chinese version ChatGPT:ERNIE Bot. Not as good as ChatGPT but has potential

    Then in your opinion, will China catch up and surpass the US in this area eventually?
  11. Mista

    Video: A glimp of Chinese version ChatGPT:ERNIE Bot. Not as good as ChatGPT but has potential

    I will be glad if you can point out my misassumptions.
  12. Mista

    Video: A glimp of Chinese version ChatGPT:ERNIE Bot. Not as good as ChatGPT but has potential

    https://openai.com/contributions/gpt-4 If you look at the names in the list of contributors of GPT-4, you will realize that they come from a diverse background of different races, and likely of different nationalities as well. Even on the hardware side, the most advanced AI GPUs are built by...
  13. Mista

    How AI could upend the world even more than electricity or the internet

    Yeah. As I highlighted in the article, the GPT4 is already starting to undercut software developers, creating significant savings in costs and time. I see this as just the beginning... More jobs are going to get disrupted.
  14. Mista

    Video: A glimp of Chinese version ChatGPT:ERNIE Bot. Not as good as ChatGPT but has potential

    It's revolutionary because it's going to disrupt millions of jobs across different sectors of the economy. The value created is worth much more than $10 per month.
  15. Mista

    How AI could upend the world even more than electricity or the internet

    https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/ai-openai-upend-world-more-electricity-internet-chatgpt-microsoft-gpt-4-3357676 SAN FRANCISCO: The rise of artificial general intelligence - now seen as inevitable in Silicon Valley - will bring change that is "orders of magnitude" greater than anything the...
  16. Mista

    Video: A glimp of Chinese version ChatGPT:ERNIE Bot. Not as good as ChatGPT but has potential

    Wut. This is a revolutionary technology with potential to disrupt millions of jobs worldwide in coming years. The savings from productivity enhancement for a worker is much more than $20 per month. Indeed. What's more impressive to me is how it is able to code and create a website based on...
  17. Mista

    Video: A glimp of Chinese version ChatGPT:ERNIE Bot. Not as good as ChatGPT but has potential

    GPT-4 is only released few days ago. To access it now it costs only $20 per month.
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