Come on man. u must read history correctly, they fought superpowers because they got support from Pakistan and Iran. without neighbor support they cant fight long enough.
secondly Pakistan will not go for occupation it will just do wht it did along with some border level conflicts.
Afghans are world stupidest and greedy nation. It is the nation who sells their daughters off yet talk of honour. Its time for pakistan to expell all afghanis from pakistan and seal the border. let them lick US+India
Afghan govt have always blamed pakistan for its failures. If they have tried to find the real causes of their failures, afghanistan would have much more peaceful by now.
So it is congirmed,if Blair is yo believed, that india does not have capability to win a short war.
India shuld focus on that capability.
Pak should use this time to set house in order economically.
Technically u r right half of the world terrorists /thrr trainers were once trained in pakistan finenced by ksa and usa. Thy have russian equipments... so whn u encounters thm u actually fight a topclass fighters.
On serious not IA needs to enhance its capability to fight terrorists.
Pak should raise this killing with kabal. Pak must warn tht if pak troop fired upon from Afghan soil Pak will retaliate and supress the fire with what ever means she deems fit.