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  1. Green Angel

    Indian Tejas As Capable As Rafale: Defense Minister

    No,Tejas is better than Rafale.....:haha:
  2. Green Angel

    US shoots itself in foot in Pakistan jet deal .

    Frustration on South China Sea has clearly shown by Uncle Sam...........in this Drone Attack...:lol: :china::pakistan:
  3. Green Angel

    Mullah Akhtar is alive

    Here we go: Buried alive Case....:lol: Wow, Mullah has deceived the latest drone technology......:omghaha:
  4. Green Angel

    US forces will continue to go after threats on Pakistani soil: Obama

    Now,We can surely say,(CPEC) has burned WHITE HOUSE bottom.....:yahoo::rofl:.
  5. Green Angel

    F-16 deal expires amid Pakistan-US row over finances

    On that last day PAF should announce buying of J-10 Fighter jet.......that will kill Uncle Sam...:sniper:
  6. Green Angel

    Indian Air Force's Su-30MKIs suffer 34 mid-air engine failures in two years

    It means SU-30MKI can be consider as Single Engine fighter jet from now............:woot: :yahoo: :lol:
  7. Green Angel

    China: We're ready if US 'stirs up any conflict' in South China Sea

    Excellent ........:china: :enjoy: :china:.
  8. Green Angel

    Pakistan will launch a two-seater version of JF-17 - Induction of JF-17B in 2017

    Congrats...... Keep it up...:smitten::pakistan:. Pakistan should continue improvements in JF-17 as quickly as possible, from now we have very less time,as Narendra Modi is getting mad day by day.
  9. Green Angel

    India Sends Stealth Warships to South China Sea

    SINDHURAKSHAK Submarine must be waiting for these Warship desperately.................:omghaha: :lol: .
  10. Green Angel

    Pakistan minister admits state backing anti-India terror groups, EU to ban landing rights for Pakist

    What about Ajit Deol, Narendra Modi and your former Army Chief????? Rana Sanaullah is Indian Property.............:-)
  11. Green Angel

    Will Raheel Sharif arrest Nawaz Sharif?

    Govt has taken 14 days for TOR's. What a shit this is. Ramadan is about to come. Opposition Parties are in 100% favor of NAWAZ SHARIF,they are also exposed today 100%. Stage is Set for "MERE AZIZ HUM WATNOO" before Ramadan.
  12. Green Angel

    Pakistani cricket team fail PMA boot camp

    Well done .....PAK ARMY.:lol: HAAD HARAM logo ko khoob ragra do...:yahoo:.
  13. Green Angel

    India's successful AAD makes Pakistan's missile striking capability obsolete

    Congrats to Pakistan Indian Ballistic Missiles would be an easy target for us as it is intercepted easily by a supersonic (ABM)......:woot:.:lol: ;).
  14. Green Angel

    'Indian interceptor missile will disturb balance of power'

    Now Indians will see maneuvering of Pakistani ballistic missiles.........:woot:;).
  15. Green Angel

    China: Afghanistan backs Beijing stance on South China Sea

    UNCLE SAM will die after hearing this news......:lol:
  16. Green Angel


    Excellent News..... as it was expected...:victory::smitten::pakistan:
  17. Green Angel

    Anti Ballistic Missile Ashwin testfired successfully

    :lol:Afraid :hitwall:....Bring your KOHLI (BMD),would be more dangerous for us..:omghaha:.
  18. Green Angel

    Pakistan, Afghanistan deploy tanks as fencing dispute escalates

    Afghan army wants to kill their innocent people with Indian army's help............ "Aggressive fools".
  19. Green Angel

    US asks Pakistan to stop militants from using its soil

    US should shut up now............:sniper:
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