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  1. jandk

    Return of Pandits to Kashmir, illegal immigrants on MHA list for Modi

    There are 80 million Marathis in this world. There are how many millions of South Indians? Dogras only number less than 5 million and that's including the ones in Himachal Pradesh. Our homeland is Jammu. Why should we sacrifice it? Kashmiris don't let anyone move in. Dogras, Kashmiri Pandits...
  2. jandk

    Return of Pandits to Kashmir, illegal immigrants on MHA list for Modi

    Doda is a real problem. Take Kishtwar in Doda for example. Kishtwar is a mixed Dogri-Kashmiri region culturally and linguistically. Unfortunately Kishtwari Hindus (which were quite numerous) have moved to Jammu and now Kishtwar has a substantial muslim majority. To add salt to injury, a lot of...
  3. jandk

    Return of Pandits to Kashmir, illegal immigrants on MHA list for Modi

    Here is a map: I agree with you in that we need to save Jammu. The good thing is that Poonch and Rajouri are the least populated areas in Jammu Division. I really think that Dogras and KPs need to have more kids. The fertility rate of muslims is higher in J&K like everywhere else. This is a...
  4. jandk

    Return of Pandits to Kashmir, illegal immigrants on MHA list for Modi

    Of course I know Jammu does not only refer to Jammu city. By Upper Jammu I am talking about Poonch, Rajouri, Doda - these are troubled hotspots from where Hindus have been relocating to Jammu city or other safe places like Udhampur. Kashmiri Pandits should be armed. There won't be any civil...
  5. jandk

    Return of Pandits to Kashmir, illegal immigrants on MHA list for Modi

    Why would Kashmiri Pandits want to be rehabilitated in Jammu? They want their homeland back not a simulation of it. Upper Jammu's demography has changed because of terrorism. Hindus from those areas have moved to Jammu city because of prevailing insecurity.
  6. jandk

    Return of Pandits to Kashmir, illegal immigrants on MHA list for Modi

    They've already started evicting Shias too ? :disagree: These KMs will get what's coming. Once every other community is sick and tired of them, they will have to amend their dirty ways.
  7. jandk

    Now we've democratically elected a totalitarian government- Arunadhati Roy

    At least one thing is for certain- she grabs people's attentions and inflames passions at least on this forum :lol:
  8. jandk

    Military's role in the identity of Pakistan

    If you look at my other posts on this forum, you will realize that I'm actually much more rational and moderate than most Indians and Pakistanis on this forum. I definitely don't need numbers (whatever that means). I'm not studying nonsense over race stats either :lol: My life does not consist...
  9. jandk

    India Pakistan Dream

    Inshallah :D
  10. jandk

    India Pakistan Dream

    He should move there pemanently :partay:
  11. jandk

    India Pakistan Dream

    Rahul Gandhi has given a statement :partay:
  12. jandk

    Military's role in the identity of Pakistan

    your people? your balochis have nothing to do with J&K. Stick to your deserts of balochistan. Dogras have always been experts at taming dardic muslims which is why every day I see some Pakistani whining about us.
  13. jandk

    How Modi defeated liberals like me

    The rhetoric is getting old and is misguided- I agree with you on that. When people mention "secularism" what they really mean is not secularism but a third rate Congressi interpretation of it.
  14. jandk

    Military's role in the identity of Pakistan

    Kid learn a little history. My ancestors ruled over fair skinned central asian type dardics. Which is why they whine endlessly about us :lol: No reason to have an inferiority complex. In fact we have a superiority complex over dardics unlike you lot.
  15. jandk

    India Pakistan Dream

    This is blatently false propaganda. Jammu has always been hindu majority.
  16. jandk

    Now we've democratically elected a totalitarian government- Arunadhati Roy

    Which battle are you talking about exactly?
  17. jandk

    Unexpected invite: PM ‘likely’ to attend Modi’s oath-taking

    More likely thing is that Modi is testing the waters to determine the extent of civil-military discord in Pakistan
  18. jandk

    Military's role in the identity of Pakistan

    Congratulations on your fair skin and green eyes :lol: As for the rest,
  19. jandk

    Military's role in the identity of Pakistan

    Most of the people commenting on this thread are Pakistanis. You're just butthurt :lol:
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