It's one thing to approve other relegions and be respectfull of them and it's a tottaly different thing to be called a secular state. Pakistan never is, never was and never will be a secular state. Is Israel a secular state? There are many muslims and some christians living there so why isn't it...
Malik Rehman is a dumb F!
Go after these guys, use f-16's or whatever it takes to hunt these guys one by one! They will never surrender until they impose the fabricated version of shariah in Pakistan
Aren't you talkin about same sport which the baseball is a major ripoff of. The only reason it's not hated in USA is cuz it derivative form of cricket, invented by Americans with silly rules and it's mostly for people that can't last for more than a day in the field!
Anyways, back to the topic!
Yes IK was better after the Lahore concert and after that he started doing stupid things! Poor guy has no chance but we are tired of PPP and PML so lets welcome Martial Law!
India and Pakistan can be best of friends if and only!
(1) Kashmir is resolved!
and I mean it, once Kashmir is out of the equation, there will be no need for ISI to support Kashmir cause and there will be no reason for Raw to counter that in their favor.
Trust me on this! I am not saying that...
In this era of technology, it is very easy to produce voice of bin laden that if he was alive and if you compare what he said to what a certain software produced, you would not be able to tell a difference.
Altaf is a peice of $hit! And anyone who doesnt agree with me (with Indians being an exception because they dont know the true reality of Altaf) is a PEICE OF $HIT! Simple as that!
It really hurts to agree with you but i am afraid that you are right! That if he helped Pak Army to capture OBL then he would be given a status of a saint!
I do not know the extent to which this news is true but i thought i should share :)
President gives go ahead for North Waziristan operation | Business Recorder
President Asif Ali Zardari is understood to have given a green signal to the military leadership to conduct an operation against...