I don't come here to socialize so don't know anyone except a few I admire for their inputs on technical matters. If you still cannot find a sensible moderator in the sea of members here I would gladly take the responsibility myself because I want to see this forum prosper under the niche it was...
We have zero percent share in the world for IC manufacturing, this is how progressive we are in this field.
In my opinion, we prefer hit and trial over divulging deeper into the science of things and creating complex mathematical models.
Pakistan does have experience prior to this project in building basic trainers and UAVs also as operators of F-16s superior to anything at that time in Chinese inventory. I wonder if Indians were invited as a partner they instead of building a fighter would have made this a dick-measuring fest...
It's a JV, both sides tried to put their experience in the designing phase but with China having more experience in aircraft building has more input into the project relative to Pakistani input. We cannot correctly guess the percentage as such, 58%-42% is the workload division among partners.
31% are unemployed, rest who are employed 83% are in danger of losing their jobs. What is so hard to believe there. Chances are the situation is far worse than reported in this article, I personally know half of my class is still unemployed or looking for a suitable position.
There's a lot of R&D (read reverse engineering) going on these days in under PSUs and public-private partnerships. Some fail to see the light of the day and only valuable lessons are learned from these exercises. Education is a problem but our R&D is a product of jugaar ideology and a bit of...
Who else thinks these aircraft will be rebuilt and upgraded to increase their utility and life. Plus it would give insight to the french radar systems.:raise: