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  1. runa moosani

    US pressurizes Arabs to drop weapon purchase from Pakistan

    Arabs need to learn some history,especially about shah of iran.
  2. runa moosani

    Leader of peoples aman committee killed in attack near lyari

    Some are looking very happy,don't forget we all have to die one day,leave it on Allah,don't use bad words for a late.
  3. runa moosani

    Famous muhajirs

    And world says we are pakistani:blink:
  4. runa moosani

    Conference calls for (JIHAD) holy war against Ahmadis

    You mean non muslims know better about but not muslims,majority of countries also say cows and monkeys are only animal
  5. runa moosani

    Conference calls for (JIHAD) holy war against Ahmadis

    Quran says ''Mohammad SAW is last prophet of Allah''but ahmadis dont agree on this,how they can be muslim?we know about Islam better than you.
  6. runa moosani

    Pakistani Reaction on Modis Pm candidature

    You mean some pakistani came on streets with loud speaker and start giving their views on modi.:nana:
  7. runa moosani

    Conference calls for (JIHAD) holy war against Ahmadis

    Indians are really sick,majority muslim says ahmadis are not muslim but they say they are ''true'' muslim,what if we say achoots are better hindus not birhamans.
  8. runa moosani

    Pakistani Reaction on Modis Pm candidature

    Who asked pakistanis about their view on modi?:azn:
  9. runa moosani

    American called Miss Indian terrorists, hateful tweets

    Americans are idiot,from which part is she looking arab??
  10. runa moosani

    Most Pakistanis satisfied with first 100-day performance of govt

    I have tired of tsunami kids rona dhona :cry:they can't accept their defeat,what's happening in swat,how many people are suffering from dengue,what happened to those ninety days??
  11. runa moosani

    Mahmud Ghaznawi: Loved by Afghans and Pakistanis but hated by Indians

    Mostly Pakistanis like him,ballistic missile ghaznavi was named after him.
  12. runa moosani

    Bombing in Sunni mosque in Iraq kills 28

    Bomb in shia masjid...sunni did Bomb in sunni masjid..sunni did These hypocrites shias are innocent.they abuse and curse sahabas and believes they are true muslims.
  13. runa moosani

    Karachi Operation | News, Updates and analysis.

    All terrorists and target killers should be hanged,whether they are from MQM or Aman committee.
  14. runa moosani

    Ishrat leaves for Dubai again

    He is student of altaf bhai,wait for his u turn.
  15. runa moosani

    Look Alman Al-Zawahri lying

    Haha...you are sharing news of reuters,you talk against jews but share news of those newspapers who are puppet of jews,people like you are called munafiq [hypocrites]
  16. runa moosani

    India may become a superpower by 2025

    This american guy is more interested in India.
  17. runa moosani

    India will overtake China: Basu

    Congratulation to all my indian fellows,you will soon overtake china,my prayers are with you:P
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